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【Painting】Painting Relay | Chainsaw Man Public Security Uniform

Forgive my love for a bad woman may not be deep enough, I feel that I can't draw her temperament and beauty orz, so please don't hold too much expectations for this time fishing (*/ω\*) This time is really the limit of the speed of light. Fish QwQ

When I saw the uniform relay, I thought for a moment.

I seem to have...in the past...also drawn girls in uniforms?

Why do I have such a relationship with @Carol.W @毛毳 Hahahahaha

In short, I don't want to let go of the dark history of the past, so I have to touch a new picture ///w///

Recently, I'm rewatching Chainsaw Man/Chainsaw Man. I would like to draw a picture of the most famous bad woman in the recent anime circle.

(Can anyone guess who I'm going to draw when they see this XD)

But forgive me that my love for a bad woman may not be deep enough, I feel that I can't draw her temperament and beauty orz, so please don't hold too much expectations for this time fishing (*/ω\*) This time is really the limit of the speed of light Fishing QwQ

As always, let’s start with the animation.

Next is the process decomposition. I heard that the experience sharing last time made many friends unable to eat, I'm sorry... This time the guarantee process is super short, it is easy to imitate, and has a bit of texture (all said by myself) The coloring method is the backlight coloring method.

Well, I haven't heard of it, it's normal, because I named it by myself/=w=\

This time, I only need to use strong watercolors throughout the whole process, and 12px thick watercolors are also used for the borders.

Start by drawing a sketch of Machima.

Then draw a more clear and detailed line art for coloring.

Then use the fill tool to paint the base color. The edges and corners will also be filled with strong watercolors.

Use the hair first. The process is very simple, just use a darker red strong watercolor, swipe a few strokes from the top right to the bottom left, and then use a colorless thick watercolor brush to modify the blurriness of the border. (Blur tool or watercolor blending can also be used here)

Then add a highlight with white or pink, and then blur the borders.

Next, the skin does the same, but it just needs to match the shape of the shadow on the contour of the face.

Another background shadow that can match the hair and skin shadows, I used an overlay layer + black strong watercolor .

Then use the same method to draw the light and shadow of the tie and shirt. However, I only put on the bright part of the shirt, because in fact, the creases are enough, and there is no need for any more shadows to set off the three-dimensional effect. (Of course, you can still wear it, but I'm not very good at shadowing on clothes =w=)

Rework lines with different color blocks to draw lines of different colors.

Open the next layer of clipping and adjust the color of the lines.

Finally, two versions were painted, with lip gloss and without lip gloss, and the light and shadow of the two were also adjusted.

Simply touch fish and get a uniform (although it is not a school but a workplace) Machima, done!

(I should be writing stories now instead of drawing here ahhhh


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