
千山萬水, 不如一抹白。 愛畫,喜字,戀山水。 描線,寫聞,觀世間。 戒不掉的喃喃自語.............^^

The disease is very serious.


Have you discovered your own self-righteousness again?

I thought I had enough patience to accompany, listen, and communicate...

As a result, I realized that I was just a disciple sitting in a well and peering into the sky! Just like An Ran in the pavilion, how can he feel the warmth of the sun and the coldness of the cool breeze outside the courtyard?

In the end, it is nothing more than a self-righteous imagination and a mask that has been accustomed to exist but has been forgotten by oneself.

Thinking that the "illness" seemed to be terminal, Mu Ran discovered that the truth was---this was completely just a fiction.







Ouch, naive.

I really don’t think I’m satisfied with this stage.


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