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"How do you measure your life? "(How will you measure your life)

"How do you measure your life? "(How will you measure your life)

This book is one of the three books in my life and I recommend it to everyone

1. How would you measure your life? "- Clayton. Clayton M. Christensen

2. "A Date with Success: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" - Stephen Covey

(Stephen R. Covey)

3. "How do you define yourself? : The Life Story of Organizing Master Handi"-

Charles. Charles Handy

All three authors are management gurus

And the way of these management decisions is not to let yourself manage or think, but to help yourself to think and learn to think independently.

And what is the essential starting point that these three books attach the most importance to?

In fact, it is all [quality]

Must have good intentions

also make yourself feel the beauty of giving

to construct and define your own success and happiness

In this book, the author raised three questions in life for everyone to think about:

1. How do I know that my working life can be successful and happy?

2. How do I know that my relationships with my spouse, children, and friends can be a source of happiness?

3. How do I know that I will stick to principles in my life so that I can avoid jail time?

We can think about these three questions by

Help yourself determine the direction of your life

and what is left in this world

Theoretical architecture doesn't teach me what to think, it teaches me how to think - Clayton Christensen

#How many people have you helped in your life

#Character , circle of competence, learning and growth

#how to measure your life

#We want to leave a resume or a memorial


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