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Refuting adults to talk about volunteer aspirations

It's hard to convince adults to believe what you say

Even if you refute, you will be said to be too young to listen

Even if you want to refute, it's because you can't produce other evidence to prove [I can]

Parents may be teachers, police officers or journalists when filling out their voluntary aspirations

"I want to be an internet celebrity, like so-and-so", "I want to be an NBA star"

People who care about you start asking questions

Because what you are talking about is not [nearby], not in the neighborhood, in the community, not in the general impression of the adult world, in a place that is out of reach or intangible

As mentioned earlier, it is difficult to be persuaded to make adults believe what you say (even if they support you, they will silently worry about you behind the scenes because they care about you). Persuasion, have you tried to communicate about the disagreement?)

But just like the article says, I found that this is a market. There are so many books on the shelf. Constantly having new books means there is a market. Maybe I can become a xxx for career development. I want to be a bridge between adults and children.

In high school, there was a classmate who liked special effects in movies and animation. He could draw those characters all day or use the effects without getting tired. He was determined to go abroad...to become a special effects artist, so he changed departments, changed exams, and went to exhibitions. , very outgoing, he asked everywhere about using those software and how things were made, asking teachers for advice on the future, going to internships, participating in competitions...and expected....

It feels like the road is paved, as long as you walk up it, looking at his ambition and fighting spirit, thinking [what about me]

I don’t have anything to be particularly motivated by, maybe there is no [specially written in the department], there is a way to look around (learning goals, acquired skills)

I don't want to be too tired, I don't want to retake the exam. In high school, I deleted the current options. Those who have accepted this department have only one way, so let's go.


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