Watching Movies Without Registration: Exploring Options and Risks
In today s digital age, entertainment options are abundant, with movies being one of the most popular choices for relaxation and enjoyment.
用FFmpeg取代 AWS Media Converter
在之前一篇原本已經打算用 AWS Media Converter,畢竟價錢算是合理,但後來想到還有閒置的便宜 cloud instance (在 google cloud, 1vCPU, 1.7G ram, 50G HDD),不如來試試看在上面跑 ffmpeg performance。
AWS S3+Media Converter+CloudFront 做 video file streaming CDN服務
雖然最後算算價格跟考慮使用情境應該不會採用這樣的 solution,但還是來記錄一下。Main idea S3 bucket 會因為 region 限制,所以如果使用者會遍部全球各地,那網路速度變成是服務最大的瓶頸。除非 sync 所有資料,但是這樣又會讓儲存費用倍增,對於少量不...
Great assistant for view Hulu offline
Have you ever imagined to view preferred Hulu videos anytime and anywhere?Now, StreamGaGa Hulu Downloader renders your access to endless exc...
One-stop solution to download movies
As a one-stop solution to download movies from top over-the-top platforms like Netflix, HBO, and other mainstream popular video platforms.
Concatenate streaming m3u8 ts files into mp4 with VLC player
呃,這算是幹壞事,侵犯到智慧財產權不甘這邊的事情喔 網路上 streaming 的通常都是讀取一個 .m3u8 檔案,然後去依序下載裏頭的 .ts 影音片段做播放,類似下面這樣。#EXTM3U #EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:3 #EXT-X-ALLOW-CAC...