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piso wifi

piso wifi

Allen Vtuber

Allen講看看隨筆紀錄 #19 市面 WiFi 7 晶片粗略盤點

WiFi 7 的基地台陸續現身,同時筆記型電腦與手機也開始搭載 WiFi 7 的晶片組

Модуль 4G

What is a Modbus Gateway

The Modbus gateway is to convert a Modbus protocol frame into other protocol frames.

Модуль 4G

Can Matter replace ZigBee?

Matter is derived from ZigBee's ZCL, and Matter also has a platform for the ZigBee Alliance, so can Matter replace ZigBee? The answer is no.

Модуль 4G

Development and Limitations of IoT Platforms

The Internet of Things has been developed for a long time, and so is the Internet of Things platform. The Internet of Things platform is the product of the great development of the Internet of Things.

Модуль 4G

How to choose an Internet of Things (IoT) communication module?

At present, most of the Internet of Things (IoT) nodes use ZigBee for networking, and then connect to the network through a gateway (gateway).

Модуль 4G

Smart fish farming solution

The situation of the fishery is worrisome. In the era of intelligence, the Internet of Things can provide intelligent fish farming solutions for the fishery.

Модуль 4G

Can Li-Fi replace Wi-Fi?

Li-Fi is not necessarily to replace Wi-Fi or 5G, the existence of Li-Fi is more to supplement the Wi-Fi transmission scenario.

Módulo de poder

5G, Wi-Fi 6, Wi-Fi 7, ¿lo necesitan los usuarios de estas tecnologías?

Se puede decir que la tecnología Wi-Fi está profundamente arraigada en el campo de las computadoras comerciales. Wi-Fi tiene las características de espectro abierto y buena compatibilidad.


財報三十秒 - Qualcomm

快速總覽 Qualcomm公布的 2022 會計年度第三季的獲利


Ubuntu 16.04 install Broadcom Wireless Driver

sudo apt-get purge bcmwl-kernel-source sudo apt update ; sudo update pciids sudo apt install firmware-b43-install sudo reboot ref: http:/...


2022年1月選購 Router 記錄




这几天翻出了前几年从国内淘的小米路由器1TB硬盘版。闲着也是闲着,于是把它直接安装在二楼卧室从电力猫接出来的网线。小米路由器WIFI 欣喜的是,这个路由器里的1TB硬盘里还有以前存的些老照片和视频,失而复得,挺好。小米路由器后台管理小米路由器安装简单,从后台管理 miwifi.com 登陆后台自动检测环境并初始化。


Windows10 WiFi密码查询查询工具

Windows10系统移除了查询wifi密码的功能,让很多经常切换办公网络的人给多个设备输入密码感到很麻烦。然后我找到了这个工具可以很方便的查询出本机连接过的wifi密码。使用方法:解压后直接运行即可。下载地址:网盘下载1、网盘下载2 解压密码:ED915db91bC35478...
