What Are the Advantages of Using ZK Technology in Cryptocurrency Transactions?
Cryptocurrency transactions have revolutionized the financial landscape, offering decentralization and security. However, concerns about pri...
What Makes ZK Rollups as a Service a Key Player in Blockchain Scalability?
zkrollup, zk rolups as a service, rollup as a service, zero knowledge
一起學投資|幣圈大小事2023.03.27:亞馬遜 可能實現NFT計劃,zkSync 推出 Alpha 主網
亞馬遜可能實現NFT計劃|zkSync 推出 Alpha 主網|星巴克在 Polygon 上推出 NFT 忠誠度計劃|納斯達克交易所希望推出加密貨幣託管服務
zkSync: Enabling Fast and Secure Transactions on Ethereum
As the popularity of Ethereum has grown, so too have its scaling challenges. With network congestion leading to high gas fees and slow trans...
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區塊鏈錢包|Argent wallet 註冊教學 支援以太坊 zkSync 網路的Layer 2錢包