佔有欲抽屜散步·Feb 6, 2023·IPFS·Translate When we sat side by side, you were silent, so I too, without a word. Yet the fervent yearning to possess you like a flame, grew stronger and stronger along my flowing hair, the yearning vines entwine, tightly wrapped around your back, turning it into a fortress of blooming roses. And you remained oblivious to it all.為舊詩配圖AI若夏落葉詩CC BY-NC-ND 2.0幫助我在創業初期不要餓死 :) 這很重要,因為我已經開始肚子餓了... QQSupport AuthorSupport Author10抽屜散步狂熱地用 AI 收割著人生所累積的一切,錘煉、抽紗、搓合、混紡、鉤織成華麗溫暖的百納被,然後睡在上面,試著做個好夢。 https://famishop.fami.life/id/drawerwalkerAuthorMoreNijijourney 哆啦時尚伴妖的男孩星夜失眠1010