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殊不知現在要讀的York University,以訓練學生critical thinking聞名於加拿大人文學術圈,他們所有人文社會學科的學生在兩小時必修和選修課後,還要外加兩小時 Tutorial,維基是這樣解釋:

A tutorial, in education, is a method of transferring knowledge and may be used as a part of a learning process. More interactive and specific than a book or a lecture, a tutorial seeks to teach by example and supply the information to complete a certain task.




由於參加TA Workshop時,教授們再三提示最好和同團TA有所聯繫(一個200個學生的大班可能會有6-8個TA團隊),以免你出太多作業,學生比較後決定恨你。於是我只好加入我們的TA群組,親自體會「內卷」的真諦:




Presentation Guidelines

Weekly presentations will be 12-15 minutes in length. Each presentation should cover all of the readings for a given week and be guided by the weekly lecture theme/topic if applicable. Presentations should include a brief summary of the readings; i.e., the authors’ central arguments and supporting evidence and data. However, presentations will largely be graded on the extent to which the presenter compares and contrasts the various readings and engages critically with their content. Students are encouraged to also ask a question to foster subsequent discussion about the presentation material, though this is not required. Remember: tutorial presentations are intended to be an exercise in critical thinking, not summary or description.

Some tips for a successful tutorial presentation:

1)    Pick a catchy title. This might not seem important, but it actually helps for thinking up linkages between the readings.

2)    Identify what the readings are about.

3)    Identify the main arguments of the readings.

4)    Identify the evidence and data sources readings cite in support of their argument. Be sure to note also the types of evidence (i.e., qualitative/quantitative, historical, statistical, etc.)

5)    Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the authors’ arguments. Is there something the author is overlooking or overstating?

6)    Consider the personal or real-world impacts of the readings. Did the readings impact your worldview on a personal level? Did they make you view some event or phenomenon through a new lens?

7)    Provide some concluding thoughts. Was there something you particularly liked or disliked about the readings, and did they help to inspire a question that you’d like to discuss with the tutorial group?




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YZ|捲座標多倫多,半路出家的政治學徒一枚,文字時而溫柔,時而暴烈,時而浪漫,時而尖銳,時而簡潔,時而瑣碎。網站:https://yztoronto.com/ 【近注】不需要追蹤我,最近忙於家事和讀書,大概率也沒新文章可以追蹤。
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