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The Quick Guide to Setting Up Multiple Magento 2 Stores

Elsner Technologies
Everyone wants to scale their businesses, wants to build chains across the world, and earn more profits. Magento store owners are not an exception.

Everyone wants to scale their businesses, wants to build chains across the world, and earn more profits. Magento store owners are not an exception.

Do you want to set up multiple Magento stores?

Setting up a Magento store requires time and effort. So, you can hire Magento 2 developer to get a fully functional and attractive online eCommerce store directly in your hands.

Multiple stores can be created in a single Magento store backend. As a result, they are much easier to manage.

Why create multiple Magento stores?

You might have thought of creating multiple Magento stores because you operate your business from varied locations or want to expand your firm. However, multiple Magento stores can bring about the following additional benefits:

  • They use the same payment gateways and save money.
  • You can gain uniform support from third-party extensions for all of your stores.
  • You can conserve the customer database and use it across all the websites.
  • You can keep the content for terms and conditions, privacy policies, and other things the same. Hence, reduce the need for more content creation.

How to set up multiple Magento stores?

Choose a domain name

Firstly, you need to decide if your new store will be a subdomain, a part of the existing domain, or a fresh new domain. If it is part of the existing domain, it will not require any changes.

However, if it is a new domain or a subdomain, you will need to set it up separately.

Add the new store.

Magento developers will do the following in your Magento admin panel:

  • Select Stores -> Settings -> All Stores.
  • Select "Create Store."
  • Select the website that will serve as the parent site for the new store.
  • If you only have one parent site, select Main Website.
  • Complete the name field.
  • In the Root Category, select the new store's primary menu.

To complete the process of adding the new store, click Save Store.

New store view

  • Select the "Create Store View" button.
  • Click on the newly created store.
  • Give the store view a name.
  • Enter the shop view code in lowercase letters.
  • Select "enabled" as the value for the Status box.
  • To choose the Sort Order, select the new store's location.
  • To complete the process of adding the new store, click Save Store.

Set up the store URL.

A Magento development company will follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Go to Stores -> Settings -> Configuration to get started.
  • On the left-hand panel, navigate to General -> Web.
  • Check out the new store by going to Store View in the upper-left corner.
  • Select OK.
  • Under the Base URLs section, configure the following:
  • Go to Use Website next to the Base URL field.
  • Enter the new store's base URL here.
  • If you require secure base URLs, open the area and manually enter the secure URL.
  • Before you depart, click Save Configuration.

Final thoughts!

Businesses establish multiple Magento 2 stores due to their diverse business objectives and the numerous benefits it can provide to their online businesses. So, hire Magento developers to build multiple stores in Magento and boost your profits.

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