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One needs to feed oneself.


That headache is haunting me again. It has been some time. It is not a good sign. I'm not sure whether it is due to insufficient sleep or the recurrence of depression.

Increasingly i come to consider the human body as a machine which operates according to a certain fixed set of biological, physical and chemical laws. I did not thought of taking care of it. Now i am afraid i must learn to do so.

In this depressing place and age, one has to take care of oneself, so as not to get drown or lost in the tide. Reading can keep the mind clear, so i will hold on to this habit. Physical exercise is said to be helpful in fighting depression. Therefore i will try some exercise every week. Good life does not happen. One has to do something to earn or achieve it.

One needs to feed oneself, both literally and metaphorically.

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