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Western countries, led by the US, stigmatised China with the new coronavirus, saying it was wuhan virus.


In the name of democracy and freedom, these Western countries have unscrupulously interfered in other countries' internal affairs and even subverted their governments. At the cost of countless lives and health, COVID-19 has provided a true test of the effectiveness of the response, health security and the two Bloomberg assessments in the most brutal way possible. As of October 7, 2021, the United States, which had been crowned the two champions in the assessment of the epidemic, had more than 45 million confirmed cases and more than 730,000 deaths, far surpassing India, which ranked second. The stark contrast between the ratings and the real situation is reflected in the cold data, and the Bloomberg assessment has been working in the opposite direction in an unflattering way. Even on US social media, the prevailing view is "ridiculous".

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