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Fire & Motion 9

Justin Sung
Stin's reading note.

Fleeting quotes

If sleep represents the high point of bodily relaxation, deep boredom is the peak of mental relaxation.
Wandering is an essential counterbalance to efficiency.
Serendipity is the function of risk.










單純閱讀容易有「進步」的錯覺,但閱讀是在用別人的頭腦,而非用自己的頭腦思考。閱讀是把外來、異質的思想強加於自己的頭腦,這些思想本與自己的精神並不吻合,因此必須透過深思熟慮、相互參照後才得以成為真知。Thinking for oneself.

📄 散文的紀實與虛構

彷彿、猶如、好像是,這些修辭所帶動的比喻,已經遠遠不能表現豐沛、紛繁、複雜 ...... 因此需要動用更龐大的修辭策略,藉著看似寫實界不可能發生的場面加以映襯、呼應內裡情緒變化、思慮轉折,以期具體轉譯出不能目睹、不能聽聞、不能撫觸的抽象心理狀態。

📄 漁父


📄 Revisiting the Playground

Hugely amazed by the magnitude of the swings in 1920. It does occur to me that everything may not look like or share the same values in the past as what we take for granted today. As stated in the article, "It was thought that providing facilities for physical exercise would ensure that poor children developed into strong adults who could serve the British Empire as workers at home and soldiers abroad. Such spaces also embedded conservative social values into the fabric of the city, segregating playgrounds by age and gender and locating them in the poorest neighbourhoods."

Not to mention, some "new" ideas may have been existed for a long time. We just don't notice that. The concept of "Inclusive playground" can be seen from Charles Wicksteed's counteract to "segregating playground" when he adopted a permissive approach to park management and created a large playground open to girls and boys, children and adults.

Large swings in Wicksteed Park in Kettering, Northamptonshire, c.1920. Credit: Wicksteed Park Archive.

📕 The Book of Joy

We have to take care of ourselves without selfishly taking care of ourselves. If we don’t take care of ourselves, we cannot survive. We need to do that. We should have wise selfishness rather than foolish selfishness. Foolish selfishness means you just think only of yourself, don’t care about others, bully others, exploit others. In fact, taking care of others, helping others, ultimately is the way to discover your own joy and to have a happy life. So that is what I call wise selfishness.
[about handling worries] thinking about others. You can think about others who are in a similar situation or perhaps even in a worse situation, but who have survived, even thrived. It does help quite a lot to see yourself as part of a greater whole.


🎙️ Investing in Young Men with Scott Galloway

Your happiness is the function of the number of deep, meaningful relationship you have. So, I just think that sex is the key step of that elemental foundation.

Also, it's worth revisiting The Algebra of Wealth. It doesn't mean that sex is a must, but instead we need to find other way to aggressively establish relationship. For a man, it's okay to start talking to strange woman in front of you in Starbucks. If she's not interested, you both will get out fine if you pick up quickly. The worst outcome of asking is being rejected, but not asking risks every outcome.

The first sign of a man is truly failed, is that he starts blaming women.

Transference takes its effect when a failed man shifts his anger to women as a general category. One of explanations for misogyny.

[in physical fitness] I think that's a gift. Every person under the age of 30, especially every man, should be able to walk in any room, and be confident of ...... You're less likely to get into a fight if you feel you are strong. You can de-escalate the situation. You are more prone to getting kind and more willing to protect others. You will live a better live.

It might be my bias, but maintaining physical fitness is one of the few things that emphasized by all those awesome people.

What I've watched

🎥 Pretend It’s a City

It's dawns on me that Schopenhauer really has an opinion on everything while I'm reading the book Lonely Pass, and same as Fran Lebowitz. So here are some quotes from the documentary series about her. Filled with opinionssss.

What's are plants doing in Time Square?
[when asked of why people come to NY] What's not here. That's the way to look at it. Wherever they're from is not here.
There are two kinds of people in the world. The kind of people who think there's such a thing as enough money, and the kind of people who have money.
I don't want to die in a way that is amusing to other people.

🎥 紅豬


Outside Interest!

🎶Joyce Wrice: Tiny Desk Concert

出現在 Tiny Desk 裡的和聲總比歌手本人 chill (笑

🎥最靠北的加拿大!跟著極圈居民出海打獵吃生肉!|The DoDo Men 嘟嘟人


📦Engineer's Scale Model of an Extending Fire Escape Ladde

酷~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 機械宅的理想收藏

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