隨機短故事 - 芝加哥醫生與病人

您是 vvictor,住在芝加哥的醫生。昏迷地把病人帶到你身邊。沒有人知道他是誰,只是他倒在醫院門口,手裡拿著一張便條,口袋裡掛著吊墜。當您檢查他時,您會發現他是一名醫學生。您還注意到他的背上有燒傷,右肩上有常春藤葉的紋身。他醒了,但是他沒有記憶。

你搖頭。 “我不知道該告訴你什麼。”你輕聲回答。



You are vvictor, a doctor living in Chicago. A patient is brought to you in a coma. No one knows who he is, just that he collapsed in front of the hospital with a note in his hand and a pendant in his pocket. As you examine him you discover he is a medical student. You also notice he has burns on his back and a tattoo of an ivy leaf on his right shoulder. He wakes up, but he has no memory.

You shake your head. "I don't know what to tell you." You reply softly.

"Do you know where I am?" He asks.

You stare at him, as he stares back.

You turn from the man and head to the cafeteria. You buy a coffee from the machine before finding a seat, sitting and drinking it quietly, alone.

Afterwards you decide to go home.

You put your clothes into the washing machine and set it to do its job. You grab a cuppa before returning to bed where you read for a while before falling asleep.

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 授权


vvictor香港連續創業家 | 區塊鏈研究及開發人員 2017年開始參與區塊鏈項目開發,了解對區塊鏈項目的潛規則,熱愛研究加密貨幣的各種經濟模式、技術應用、普及生態。
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隨機小故事 - 迷宮(二)