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Broken thoughts on Google ads

FotonCard VCC

To be honest, I'm also a heavy user of Google ads myself, but recently, I've had some new knowledge and ideas about Google advertising. First, many newbies want to start advertising when they've built an independent website. There's no problem, independent websites have no traffic, and nothing is useful. It's just like the flower of building your website. The point is that you have to have traffic and users before you can monetize it.

First of all, let's talk about common types of Google ads. Of course, the most common ones are search, display, video, and shopping, but to be honest, in recent years, the market share of search ads has also changed. Shopping was the most popular in the past few years. However, the change in market share doesn't mean that no one has invested in searches. No shopping ads have of course Google itself been trying to maximize results over the past few years. At the same time, ads are becoming more and more intelligent. In the case of maximized advertising, do you think you have any optimization? Whoever told the truth there was nothing, why, because there's nothing you can optimize... You might be surprised; today's advertising is honestly really automated and intelligent. Google Smart Optimization also continues to help you optimize your ads, but this time also made me think about Google ads.

Can ads be placed to maximize effectiveness?

The answer to whether you can vote is definitely yes. Maximizing is actually very suitable for to C type independent stations. Why? First of all, the advertising formats are very diverse. There are videos, searches, and displays. If your product is the kind of cool, eye-catching one, that's fine, but only if you have a certain customer unit price. If your customer order is very low, tens of dollars, it feels quite difficult. I don't think it can cover advertising costs. If you have the kind of high-customer product, you can try it out.

The intelligence of Google ads

When it comes to intelligent advertising, I sometimes think that the intelligence of this kind of advertising also maximizes the effect of a period of time before it seems scary. Let's talk about its intelligence. For example, it's OK to maximize the conversion of an ad. A month's conversion rate is a few dozen times larger, and the average conversion cost is a few tens of dollars less. But you need to know that in the process of advertising, its value is also constantly being optimized, and the cost of conversion is also constantly changing. At this point, suddenly one day you discovered that your budget couldn't be spent. Later, at this point, you discovered that you couldn't spend your budget. Later, at some point, you discovered that you couldn't spend your budget. Your conversion cost per day is several times your average conversion cost before. At this point, you discovered that your budget wasn't going to be spent at all. What's the problem? Why is that? To put it bluntly, the ad found that your cost for a single conversion could be several times larger than before, which means your budget was far less than enough. For example, your previous conversion was $100, and your budget was $200/day. At this point, the machine suddenly discovered that your single conversion could be a few hundred dollars larger. At this point, you won't be able to spend your budget. If you remove the target conversion costs a few times before, it's basically useless...


Advertising is simple but optimization is really difficult. Why is this optimization process actually a process of continuous testing - iteration - testing - iteration, and you are also constantly adjusting the whole thing, but many times, there are only a few things you can adjust. There are many variations in material, people, and interests, and each variant will have different effects. When I first started working as an independent website, I naively thought that advertising was converted, and there were orders, but I later discovered that having an order doesn't necessarily mean profit. These are two conceptual things. The conversion cost of an advertisement plus the cost of shipping and product, if The customer sends you another credit card cancellation, and you'll find that good guys, almost for nothing, still have to lose money... So now I'm more calm in the face of commercials. Before the launch, the website was optimized a lot to ensure optimization, but now, not to mention Amazon's high conversion fees, Google's conversion fees, which are also discouraging...

Here I recommend a virtual credit card service provider, FotonCard, which can create up to an unlimited number of virtual credit cards to pay for Google ads or Facebook ads.

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