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Control your worries

Some stupid English writing. Please don’t click in and read this article.

I really like you. More than just friends.

I really want to be a part of your life. Maybe not as your girlfriend, but as a really good friend before you get into another relationship.

But I cannot find any reason.

Your life is too good to lack anyone. I cannot find the reason for me constantly contacting you after I left you world. I am not a crazy academic person as you are, and I cannot provide you with any new ideas for your research. Besides, you have so many good choices other than me. Why on earth would you need me?

So it may be me, or maybe my subconscious, keeping wondering that if your strict rules toward yourself would be a problem. I know that it is my expertise to guide someone out of their dark times. I know my personality of never judging others is kind of precious to people in a slump.

I guess that’s the reason that I am so curious about your emotions. I guess it is why you are feeling that I am worrying about you. Sorry about that. I am not being untruthful with you. I know that you could manage your life really well. It just me, being selfish. I’m really really sorry about that.

I also hope that I can control myself. I hope my feelings towards you will never reach your world and bring unnecessary disturbance to you.

I think that I might need to work harder on that.



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