WE WANT YOU! Join Mask 2.0 Beta Test, Win Bug Bounties!


The Mask extension is about to go through some major updates. The Mask 2.0 is finally here!

We have talked about Mask 2.0 at many Townhall meetings, and all the amazing features will be with us shortly. We hereby sincerely invite our users to get a sneak peek of Mask 2.0 by joining our beta test. The Mask 2.0 bug bounty program has started accordingly. Win rewards from trying out new features, getting familiar with the features, spotting bugs, or giving improvement suggestions!

Who can participate?

  • The Mask 2.0 beta test has 100 spots. Choose one of the following options to reserve your spot.
  • 1. Fill the application form (users who filled this form before September 26th, please DM your Discord username and Polygon wallet address to our Twitter @realMaskNetwork)
  • 2. Send a tweet with hashtag #Mask2Beta, and use the Mask extension to encrypt your Discord username and Polygon wallet address to sign up for a Beta Test spot.
  • The 100 spots will be filled in a first-come-first-served manner. The sign-up period will end once the 100 spots are filled, and the list of participants will be posted on the Mask Forum.

How to participate?

  • Once the sign-up period is finished, users who are eligible to join the Beta Test will be invited to a Discord private channel, where the Mask team will post tutorials, assignments, and information about the bug bounty.

What kind of rewards will I get?

  • The Mask Network developer team will assess all feedback users bring up. After the Beta Test is finished, bounty rewards will be distributed accordingly. Participants will have a chance to split a bug bounty prize pool worth of 30,000 $USDT. Please check the details regarding bug/report submission and the bounty reward system below.
  • Users who participated in the Beta Test will receive an NFT badge.
  • And there are more surprises… stay tuned!
  • *All rewards will be calculated and published on October 30th. $USDT rewards will be distributed on Polygon (Matic).

Bug Bounty Details

We will categorize bugs eligible for bounty rewards into Suggestions and Bugs.


Suggestions include but are not limited to front-end display error, plugin cards rendering/loading error, UI displacements, and other suggestions that do not jeopardize daily usage but may improve user experience.

  • How to submit: Please upload screenshots/screen recordings in this form with some textual description.
  • Issues that (Do not jeopardize daily usage but) may improve user experiences — 10 $USDT per suggestion
  • Other bugs/issues described above — 20 $USDT per suggestion
  • If multiple users submitted the same suggestion, then the first 2 users who submitted will be eligible for the reward.

*Each beta-test participant can earn up to 200 $USDT bounty rewards for bringing up useful suggestions.

Technical bugs

Technical bugs include but are not limited to: security vulnerabilities report or improvement reports

  • Bounty rewards for technical bugs vary from 100 $USDT to 1500 $USDT.
  • How to submit: please upload relevant reports or bug fix PR code directly on Github.
  • Please check known bugs/issues here before reporting. Bugs or issues that have been reported and listed will not be eligible for rewards.. The Mask Network developer team will assess the eligibility based on the time of submission.

* The Mask Network developer team reserves the right to define and categorize all bugs and issues submitted.

Terms of services

  1. The main purpose of Mask 2.0 Bug Bounty is to help Mask Network identify potential issues and risks that may impact the user experience.
  2. Mask Network will give rewards to users who are eligible for the bounty prize in Polygon (Matic) transactions. The details are listed above, and the specific size of bounty reward will be given by the Mask Network developer team after their thorough assessment. Each bug or suggestion may receive a different value of bounty reward.
  3. If unusual bug submission activities are detected, Mask Network reserves the right to disqualify that specific user to participate in Beta Test and to refuse making bounty reward payment.
  4. Mask Network reserves the right to define and categorize bugs and issues submitted by Beta Test participants and reserves the right to refuse to make bounty reward payments to Beta Test users.

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