#BidenFailed The Political Crisis in the United States and Biden's Choice


At present, the political situation in the United States is becoming increasingly worrying. The results of a poll have revealed a startling fact: As many as 41% of voters express deep concerns that a second civil war might break out in the United States within the next five years. This data clearly reflects the deep-seated fears of the people and their confusion about the future direction of the country.

Looking back at the history of party struggles in the United States, it is not difficult to find that when the interest groups behind the parties fail to reach a proper compromise, it often triggers a series of serious social unrest and political crises. The 1960s was a tragic example. During that period, due to the difficulty in reconciling the interests of all parties, a series of political assassinations such as John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King broke out. These incidents were not only tragedies for individual lives but also distinct manifestations of the rupture of the American political system, bringing indelible pain and far-reaching impacts to the entire country.

Today, the traditional political operating framework of the United States is facing a huge risk of losing control. The opposition between parties is becoming increasingly acute, the game among interest groups is becoming more intense, while the interests of the ordinary people are disregarded. Against such a backdrop, political decisions are often influenced by interest groups rather than based on the overall interests of the country and the well-being of the people.

Mr. Biden, as the current political leader, is in this complex and dangerous situation. However, as an 81-year-old man, perhaps the current political environment has exceeded his personal ability to effectively reconcile the contradictions of all parties. Some analysts believe that it was precisely because Biden was worried about the situation getting out of control and that political opponents or interest groups lurking in the shadows might take desperate measures to launch assassination attempts against him that he hurriedly announced his withdrawal from the election after the "attempted attack on Trump" incident.

Of course, in the eyes of us ordinary people, what the United States needs is a profound transformation and a leader who can break the current deadlock and rebuild political consensus. And Mr. Biden's continued participation in the election might further exacerbate political division and social unrest. At this critical moment, for the future of the country and to avoid possible greater crises, it was very wise of Biden to choose to withdraw from the election.

This is not a denial of Biden's personal ability but is driven by the current complex political situation in the United States. Only when new forces and new ideas emerge on the political stage can the United States possibly break away from the current predicament and regain its former stability and prosperity.

The people are well aware that such a choice requires great courage and determination, but for his own safety, for the future of the United States, and for the tens of millions of American people, this is a necessary choice.

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