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"The educational trip to Tokyo Station has been successfully completed."


"FILDAO Asia-Pacific Chinese Community Leaders were invited to participate in a Filecoin Layer2 study tour in Tokyo, Japan, on December 18, 2023. The purpose of this event is to provide an interactive platform for learning and inspiring innovative thinking among the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean communities. During this activity, participants will have the opportunity to gain insights into the latest developments in SINSO and Filecoin Layer2, as well as explore the innovative frontiers of the Web3 domain."

"Filecoin has taken a significant step in its developmental journey by launching its second-layer protocol development project, FiecoinLayer2, introducing an innovative solution that combines storage and computation. The launch of this project is expected to address the bottleneck issues in Filecoin's application ecosystem integration and performance, further enhancing its competitiveness in the Internet 3.0 era."

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