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人生的一切都可以外包吗?Can everything in life be outsourced?



For the past three years, the vegetables I’ve eaten have all come from my own garden, surrounded by bamboo and ginkgo groves. No chemical fertilizers, no pesticides—just sharing the produce with insects and wild birds. In the summer, the loofah and okra grow abundantly. A quick harvest and a simple boil in fresh water reveal their natural sweetness and tenderness.


It’s almost impossible to find such safe vegetables in the market, whether fresh or cooked. Large-scale producers, driven by yield and profit, can’t avoid harmful fertilizers and pesticides. Many small farmers overuse chemicals due to lack of knowledge. Some transporters even spray carcinogenic formaldehyde to maintain the appearance of vegetables during hot weather. Even organic-labeled vegetables, in both the EU and the US, can’t guarantee 100% organic purity. The growing process is hard to regulate, and non-synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are often used, with some certifications being riddled with loopholes. As for takeout food, it’s often worse: in some cases, restaurants add dangerous chemicals like gentamicin, a prescription drug that can cause deafness, to prevent customers from getting food poisoning. So, if you want truly safe food, it’s better not to outsource it. The more you outsource, the higher the risk.


The industrial age has undoubtedly brought us convenience, allowing individuals to outsource parts of their personal lives, saving time for chores, and increasing efficiency through specialization. But it begs the question: Is more outsourcing always better? Can everything in life be outsourced?


First, physical activities like exercise can’t be outsourced. Even with a well-trained coach, no one can work out for you. Only by doing the exercises yourself will you see the results—stronger muscles, a toned body.


Second, family relationships and emotional connection are in the same boat. Busy parents often outsource their children’s education to schools and training centers, but nothing can replace the quality time that only parents can provide. Parents play a critical role in shaping their children’s character, and too much outsourcing can lead to a distant parent-child relationship. The same goes for romantic relationships—no amount of expensive gifts can make up for the absence of time spent together.


Third, for adults, outsourcing deeply personal tasks can lead to a loss of meaning in life. That’s why many elderly people insist on maintaining their independence for as long as possible. When they can no longer take care of themselves, the most immediate feeling is a loss of dignity. Most seniors will hold on to their independence, even when it comes to something as basic as using the bathroom on their own.


Fourth, personal branding follows the same logic. It’s like an autobiography. If you outsource the creative process, you might lose your unique voice. After all, no one has walked the exact same path in your shoes. Handing over your story for someone else to write might leave you with something unrecognizable.


Sociologist Arlie Hochschild once pointed out that when we outsource much of our lives—even our emotions—to others, we are no longer the protagonists of our own lives. We lose the joy of living and the depth of emotional connection. Ironically, the time saved through outsourcing isn’t spent on personal leisure or enjoyment. Instead, it’s often reinvested into more industrial production, chasing even higher economic gains.

时间的缺失又为消费主义提供了可乘之机,人们在挣得更多金钱的同时,也陷入了报复性消费的陷阱,试图以此来补偿那些丢失的时间和情感联系。然而,这种无休止的忙碌和消费并没有带来真正的满足,人们既没时间享受生活,账户里也存不下几块钱 ——大多数人变成了“穷忙族”。

This time scarcity feeds consumerism. People, while earning more money, fall into the trap of revenge spending, trying to compensate for the time and emotional connections they’ve lost. Yet, this endless cycle of work and consumption brings no real fulfillment. People have neither time to enjoy life, nor money left in their bank accounts—most end up as “busy and broke.”


Even though our material wealth has increased and the outsourcing industry has expanded, our spiritual world has shrunk. I believe outsourcing has its limits. Life’s core moments are made up of things that cannot be outsourced—the vegetables you pick with your own hands, the sweat you shed during exercise, the quality time spent with loved ones, and the stories you write about yourself. While we enjoy the conveniences of modern life, we should also reserve time to reconnect with life’s essence. In the end, life isn’t a race to outsource everything—it’s a journey of self-creation.

👧 About Me:

🌟 英语教育博主 / 乡村数字游民 Education Content Creator / Rural Digital Nomad

🌟 原世界500强企业海外教育项目运营 Former Fortune 500 Company Overseas Education Project Manager

🌟 原香港SCMP财经记者 Ex-South China Morning Post (SCMP) Reporter

🌟 波士顿大学新闻硕士 Boston University, Master of Journalism

🌟 2015年APEC会议中国青年代表 2015 APEC Meetings China Youth Delegate

🌟 2016年中国外研社杯全国英语辩论赛 十佳演讲者 Top 10 Speaker, 2016 China's FLTRP Cup National English Debate

🎬 我的成长故事 My Stories:

















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