一些隨意的想法 5

沒有什麼真正改變。 它是悲傷的,也是幸福的。

其實我只想感受到正面的情緒,但事情就發生了。 甚至什麼也沒有發生。 我真的不明白,我想明白,但顯然我的方法是錯的。 他們一定是錯的,溝通不只是單方面的乒乓球。 這不應該發生。 我不想改變,我不想做任何事。 很累,我想換個環境。 我現在想做的就是逃離,坐在圖書館裡,和書待在一起,儘管它們永遠不會理解我,也不會屬於我。 我確實想要一些東西。 我真的不能喝沒有牛奶的咖啡。 對不起? 我不想這樣做,我想重新開始。 它不應該存在,這個也不應該存在。 我希望,我希望一切都會好起來,一切都好起來。 它會好起來的。 我會沒事的。

Nothing really changes. It is sad, it is happy. I actually only want to feel positivity, but thing happens. Nothing even happens. I really do not understand, I wanted to understand but apparently the way I approached is wrong. They must be wrong, communication is not just one sided ping pong. It should not have happened. I do not want a change, I do not want a do anything. It is tiring, I want a change. All I want to do now is to escape, sit in the library and stay with books, though they will never understand me nor be mine. I do want something. I really cannot drink coffee without milk. Sorry? I do not want to do this, I want to start over. It shoud never exist, neither do this. I wished, I hope everything will be fine again, nothing was alright. It will be alright. I will be alght.

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