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Jolin Tsi
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Rolling Eyes 麵包與咖啡

Jolin Tsi
有著翻白眼的老闆 Logo🙄,要找到店應該很容易🤣

Rolling Eyes 麵包與咖啡

🇹🇼 台灣。台北市



🇹🇼 Taiwan, Taipei


The logo is with the boss's rolling his eyes🙄, it should be easy to find the store🤣

Although there is a wide variety of bread🥐🥖🍞, everything looks delicious and doesn't cost too much.

Bread is not too sweet too greasy, really delicious ~ will not be careful to eat all the time🤤


有著翻白眼的老闆 Logo🙄,要找到店應該很容易🤣



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