What are chakras

What are chakras? What kind of role does the chakra play in many difficulties and troubles?

What are chakras? What kind of role does the chakra play in many difficulties and troubles?

Chakra, we call it to wheel in Sanskrit, we can also call it the level of consciousness, interpretation is called lotus. The history of chakras is very long; in Taoism and esoteric inheritance, there are three pulses and seven wheel systems.

The seven chakras of the body correspond to seven colors.

The first chakra is the undersea chakra. It's in our caudal vertebrae, facing the earth like a trumpet. It's the power of the root, a supporting force of the sense of security. Before we were seven years old, all our emotions were in the ocean. In other words, your sense of security in the original family is established in this undersea wheel.

The second chakra is the reproductive chakra. Under our navel, some people say that he is the place of three fingers, but there is no need to hold on to it. In some individual cases, the situation is different. This chakra is orange, which corresponds to a harmonious relationship. In fact, in this relationship, we really harmonize our own relationship, and then we can harmonize the relationship with our family, the intimate relationship, and the social relationship. So, the second chakra for women, this position is completely governed by the reproductive chakra.

The third chakra is the solar plexus, representing the yellow power and the birthplace of a person's courage and strength. It's also the hub of our emotional load. Our repressive emotions are loaded into the solar plexus through the laryngeal chakra. Some emotions continue to go down to the reproductive chakra, so the third chakra is essential for those with no courage and strength.

The fourth chakra is the heart chakra. The heart chakra can have two colors, green or pink. But in fact, there is no need to cling; he represents the power of love. When we have the support of the earth, then there is the flow of water, and then there is the transformation of fire in the third chakra. In other words, we need to transform the energy in these three chakras into the heart chakra through the solar plexus. This heart chakra is actually the door of spirituality. When this door is opened, it is the beginning of spirituality. So it's a power of love.

The fifth chakra is the laryngeal chakra, which represents blue. We see that the beginning of the fifth chakra is really a channel into spirituality. At the beginning of this spiritual channel, you need to experience humility and submission. And you have to allow yourself to become empty and allow more wisdom to connect with you, so this is the laryngeal chakra, which represents the power of true expression.

The sixth chakra is the chakra between the eyebrows. The eyebrow wheel is a caring force. We often meditate, so this chakra is also essential.

The seventh chakra is the top chakra. Like the undersea chakra, it is also a trumpet facing the sky.

The chakra is essential. It is like a rainbow bridge, connecting matter and spirit; On the one hand, it connects the physical and mental state of our body; on the other hand, it connects the spiritual awakening.

On a deeper and metaphysical level

The form of your mind affects the energy centers in your body called chakras.

Each chakra corresponds to a different life subject.

True divine guidance never speaks in the way of accusation, guilt, or pointing out that someone is right, wrong, good, or bad. So your angel is always looking for a win-win solution to the conflict.

However, they may occasionally guide you away from some relationships and help you close the doors of friendships that need to end if the purpose is accomplished.


It may be scary for everyone to end a relationship, but it can lead to more guilt for those on the spiritual path.

"I should help others, and I am a man full of love." You may worry, "if I choose to spend less time with her, will I abandon my friend?"

The truth is that you may choose to spend less time with old friends and more time with new ones in your life. It doesn't mean you judge, criticize or abandon anyone.

You are not a conceited, arrogant, or isolated person; you just allow yourself to be guided by the spiritual law of attraction.


We are attracted to people who reflect our own mindset, and shared interests create friendships. When your lifestyle changes, you will naturally look for people who have something in common with you.

On a deeper and metaphysical level, the form of your mind influences the energy centers in your body called chakras. Each chakra corresponds to a different life subject.

If we spend the most time thinking about any topic, it determines that our chakra will be stimulated. So, like radar, we attract people with the same mindset, and we are also attracted to them.

The angel explained that the chakras send out energy waves, reflecting like a sonar system.

When we meet someone with similar energy patterns, their chakra energy is reflected in a way that feels good. Then, we are attracted by them, happy and surprised to find that we share common interests.

For example, if you spend most of your time thinking about money and security, you will affect your first chakra, the chakra of the sea, which is at the bottom of your spine. Like a magnet, you will attract people who are also worried about money and security into your circle of friendship.

The second chakra is called the navel chakra, which is related to the subject of the body. This chakra is located between your navel and your caudal vertebrae. People with physical disorders or who are obsessed with weight, appetite, health, or addiction may have unbalanced umbilicus rings, which tend to attract other people with physical problems and be attracted by them.

Topics that affect the third chakra, the solar plexus, include fear or attachment to power and control. This chakra is in the center of the body, above the navel.

If this kind of topic is always on our mind, we will attract people with similar thought patterns to come to us.

These three lower chakras are related to the physical nature of the world.

The fourth chakra, the heart chakra, is the first group of chakras related to higher subjects. It is no accident that the chakras associated with spirituality are also located in higher parts of the body.

The heart chakra is located in the chest and is itself related to love. This is related to the themes of healing and love, such as forgiveness, compassion, and soul mate relationships, called "heart-centered.". They tend to attract other loving people into their lives.

The fifth chakra, the laryngeal chakra, is located in the larynx node and is related to the expression and communication of creativity.

Those engaged in art or teaching, especially in spiritual aspects, evoke the energy of their throat chakra. An honest lifestyle can promote this chakra in particular, in which you are committed to making your words and actions always conform to your inner reality. Focus on these topics, and you'll attract people with similar ideas.

The third eye is the sixth chakra, which is related to vision and imagery.

If you have contemplation and meditation or a natural visionary, this chakra is open. You will attract people with similar spiritual interests and abilities into your life.

The ear chakras are located on the left and right sides above the eyebrows and are related to listening to the Holy Spirit. Those who pray in silence and tune the message have activated their ear chakras and attract other audiences.

Inside the top of the head is the top wheel.

When one realizes that we are all one with God and one with each other, the top wheel is activated. People with this mode of thinking will naturally attract people with similar thoughts and share the spiritual path.

So in the past, most of your thoughts might have been related to material aspects of the world, such as money worries or obsession with sex, and your circle of friends shared common beliefs.

Then, your spiritual awakening allows you to read about the sacred theme of meditation.

In so doing, your main chakra energy ascends, you no longer live from your first chakra (related to money) or your second chakra (related to sex); you begin to live from your fourth chakra (related to the heart) or your fifth chakra (related to truth).

When this change occurs, you will naturally lose the "attraction" you once felt to someone who lived in the thought pattern of your previous chakra. You will start to want or attract people who can share your focus with you.

As long as you maintain positive expectations through the law of attraction, new friends with similar mental attitudes will enter your life.

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