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郭偉文 Wyman Kwok
IPFS 指纹 这是什么



郭偉文 Wyman Kwok
《大憲章》(Magna Carta)是現代法治觀念得以形成和實踐的歷史淵源。筆者探訪了此重大人類歷史文件當年的封印地,英國的Runnymede。本文分享當中的一些得著,包括照片、相關資訊,等等。

《大憲章》(原拉丁語:Magna Carta;英語:The Great Charter)最初封印(國王的封印,即得其認可)於1215年,距今已超過800年,是現代法治觀念的基礎。事源主要是,當時的英格蘭國王約翰(King John)施政無道、濫用權力(那時有多黑暗?據說,在約翰死後,當時的編年史家Matthew Paris寫道:「black as is Hell, John's presence there makes it blacker still」),使在其轄下眾等封建貴族(Baron)大為不滿,最終聯合起來對抗之,而結果就是迫使國王約翰同意《大憲章》中的條款,用以規範國王的權力,使其不能任意妄為。


無論如何,《大憲章》中包含現代自由、人權、法治等理念的初形,深深影響著後來的發展,美國的《獨立宣言》、聯合國的《世界人權宣言》便是受其影響的經典例子。與該些理念初形相關的《大憲章》條款例如有(Runnymede and Magna Carta,2019,The National Trust):

  • The English Church shall be free, and shall have its rights undiminished, and its liberties unimpaired (Clause 1)
  • The City of London shall enjoy all its ancient liberties and free customs (Clause 13) 
  • Earls and barons shall be fined only by their equals, and in proportion to the gravity of their offence (Clause 21)
  • No free man shall be seized or imprisoned ... except by the lawful judgement of his equals or by the law of the land (Clause 39)
  • To no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay right or justice (Clause 40)



英國的Runnymede是《大憲章》的歷史封印地,是那些封建貴族迫使國王約翰同意其條款的地點,現在設有英國National Trust的景點,最重要的固然是紀念《大憲章》的景點,是一個在1957年由The American Bar Association設立的紀念碑,上面刻上的字是:「TO COMMEMORATE MAGNA CARTA」和「SYMBOL OF FREEDOM UNDER LAW」。

自1957年至今,The American Bar Association 四次回來重申他們堅守《大憲章》精神——以法治捍衛自由——的承諾。

除了紀念《大憲章》外,Runnymede還有其他的紀念景點,如美國總統John F. Kennedy的紀念碑。

另外,Runnymede還有些與《大憲章》有關(紀念其價值、反思其意義等)的藝術品,如Writ in Water


應該不難看到水面反射出正常文字寫法的特色。那些文字其實就是上面提到過的《大憲章》Clause 39的完整版本:

No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land.

創作Writ in Water的藝術家,Mark Wallinger, 評論道: 

In Writ in Water, the use of reflection to make the text legible plays against the idea of a law written in stone. Magna Carta curtailed this divine right and issued the first secular writ. 
Keats though despairing of his legacy was to become one of the immortals and his words live anew when learnt and repeated by every succeeding generation. Similarly, although Magna Carta established the law and the nascent principles of human rights, the United Kingdom has no written constitution. What seems like a birthright has to be learned over and over and made sense of. Whether the words are ephemeral or everlasting is up to us.

在2015年慶祝《大憲章》面世800週年時,另一件藝術品,The Jurors,被建構在Runnymede的草地上。




就是這棵古樹,The Ankerwycke Yew。不知是否有關當局刻意安排,這位老人家旁邊站了一位後生仔。



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