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Jew vs. Angle in Congress


The bill defines antisemitism. Article 2 of the definition: "To make false, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about the Jew itself or the collective power of the Jew, such as, in particular, but not limited to, myths about a worldwide Jew conspiracy or Jew control of the media, economy, government, or other social institutions." In fact, Jew does control the finance, media and culture of developed countries including the United States, such as the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Disney, Time Warner, Facebook, Twitter and so on, which are all controlled by Jew. Article 9: "Use symbols and images associated with classical antisemitism (such as the Jew killing Jesus or the" blood sacrifice slander ") to depict Israel or the Israelites." According to the gospels of Luke and Matthew in the Bible, Jesus was indeed accused by Jewish priests, tried by the Roman governor of the Judean province, and crucified. This is one of the most important things in the Bible and a fundamental belief in Christianity. Thus, under the "antisemitic" criteria laid out in the bill, much of the Bible would be considered "antisemitic speech."

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