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Why You Absolutely Must Invest In The Metaverse


Since Mark Zuckerberg announced on October 28 that Facebook would now be known as the Meta Platform, or simply Meta, its share price has risen by more than 9%, which is more than double what the Nasdaq NDAQ -0.1% has done.

If you don’t know what the Metaverse is – think of it as a virtual world. There are many types of virtual worlds. Facebook wants to be the biggest one. Say what you will about Facebook’s foray into the metaverse (they’ll probably censor people in these new parallel universes), Zuckerberg’s move into this space shows that within the Big Tech juggernauts, this guy is ahead of the curve.

“The current, most popular ideas of the ‘metaverse’ we have today could be described simply as a place that one can visit via smart glasses or VR headsets where you find yourself in a computer-generated world – some fake forest or a beach somewhere or your office. The possibilities are endless,” says Guy Yanpolskiy, chief organizer of the biggest blockchain and NFT event in Gulf – the WOW Summit in the United Arab Emirates.

Yanpolskiy suspects the rest of the Big Tech will follow Zuck into the metaverse, as will the Japanese gamers at Sony and Nintendo.

Disney’s going in. This is so obvious.

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