POSTHUMAN validator votes YES for the Proposal #27

If you have another opinion - vote, or you will vote as your validator!

This is to execute the passed Proposal 16 "Token swap proposal between LIKE and NUM", by sending 1,543,097 LIKE to cosmos1nmjuecdlp4pmpphj62qynaew9v566hf77vekrt, owned by Numbers Protocol. LIKE price 0.0324023864 USD is obtained by taking average price between 2021.09.23 and 2021.12.07 according to Coingecko

In return, 1,666,666 NUM will be sent to Ethereum mainnet address 0x90ceD2202b17546D6680cfe97E3dA3bD0480b882, which is a 2-of-3 multisig treasury wallet held on behalf of the the Republic of Liker Land by Dr Ju-chun Ko (aka 寶博士, Podcaster of 寶博士朋友說), Dr Haggen So (Hong Kong Chapter Lead of Creative Commons) and Greg Sung (Founder of OneSky and previously aNobii)

POSTHUMAN validator supports this proposal!
This proposal make connection between LikeCoin Community and Numbers Protocol Community stronger!

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