( 前言:在伟人孙中山先生旗下唯一有利两岸和平统一且各方都易接受的,改革西式政体,一切政党社团参政议政都不执政的,即只有执政智者平稳更换的,而无执政政党大动荡更换的,中西结合优化五权分立的,民选科举智者治国的21世纪和平新政,中国可先行,从"民主"发展而走向"智主"!崇尚智慧治理社会,"民主"是"智主"的初级阶段,是智者治理社会"智主"的雏形。现实世界应先由智慧群体主导,逐步发展虚拟世界“元宇宙”系统,最终实现无人智慧体系协助,现实智慧群体治理社会的最佳体制。)
综合各政体和各国现实,绝大多数国家改革或变革选择了西方政体,但西方政体固有的越来越明显的缺陷,已成为有人攻击、拒绝或怀疑的理由。不仅如此,西方现政体的缺陷还有: 很难产生最佳决策而大多是不优不劣,成心对抗后的折衷方案,使施政不理想,选民失去信心;财团商界巨头对政治影响过大;对立政党轮流执政决策易翻来覆去劳民伤财,前后混乱选民也易失去信心; 并不只是几人而是几党几大群体竟争最高权力,强对抗易使社会撕裂更易使选民失望;另外还有竞选的形象口才和资金作用偏重,不利于博才寡言的理论家,和不利于无大财团资助的竞选人;大多数博才的却不善辩的竞选人易被仅仅是形象口才好的竞选人击败等等;西式政体弱点最明显的例子,在伊拉克之类的国家,就无法解决誓不两立的多党多教派的和平执政问题; 而实西式政体也有改革完善的必要,重要的是发展孙中山五权分立的,考试和监察很有必要。改革西式政体一切政党社团参政议政都不执政,即只有执政智者平稳更换,而无执政政党大动荡更换的,中西结合优化五权分立,民选科举智者治国的“21世纪和平新政”。各派严重对立社会撕裂的,不利和平威胁地区安全的,分裂国家或引发民族分裂的模式无需效仿,从日本近代史可见,特别是关东大地震之后,许多决策高层都有扩张野心,侵略南北韩和中国等陆地,他们知道自己的子孙后代,终将会在一次地震中遇难绝后的概率极大,因此也出于私心而野蛮侵略中国等地,而不安心于日本岛。而台湾却有人开创撕裂社会的,不利和平的分裂国家分裂民族的,断祖绝后的危局,实是因弃大陆而会导致许多家族断祖绝孙的短见,只迎合无远见阶层的愚眛,也对地区安全和世界和平不利,至少是使台湾人不能作回归大陆防止断祖绝孙的选择。
动荡震撼世界的的美国2020大选,突显政党政治的腐败,也揭示了这21世纪初的人类信仰危机,有神论与无神论及极右与极左的交锋已至生死决斗登锋造极。其实与人战胜自然的创举相似,非自然或超自然的"神"力是有的,人不能自以为至极,在无限之中"人"与"自然"是有限的定义。不过这个"超神"或其"化身"不会是凡间人类,一切活佛神话都是虚构。不同的观察和分析方法会有不同的形态和规律等局限结果。因此值得强调的是,实质与真理是无穷多的有限条件下科学描述之和,乃神深至无穷大。生命只是物质运动和存在的无穷多形式之一. 未知微世界和未知宏世界的"未知生命"、“超生命”或超生命之极限即“超神”, 都不能用已知生命来定义、分析和寻找。全球各宗教应就此,深化整合真实定义“天主”“上帝”等极限之“超神”的信仰。最终应合由智慧体系主导,在人类未消灭战争和邪恶之前,绝对有这整合协调信仰的必要。 一切需要和平,一切基于科学,一切为了发展。
新的世纪随文明和教育的发展,应以法治和德理相结合,法治的存在旨在维护社会公德,应以公法与公德的社会治与理相结合,即法治与德理,治标与理本相结合;以民众与学者、民意与学理相结合,如公民直选与学者科举的选与举相结合;以东西方文明及各民族文化精华相结合,开创高速发展的新21世纪,智者群体主导,并由无人智慧体系辅助主导。中国是影响新世纪和平文明发展的关键,人们也普遍希望中国大变革应该和平过渡,避免付出巨大社会成本和沉重代价,新世纪社会变革更要终止杀人流血。旨在让绝大多数人能接受的, 不完全西化中西结合的,有利两岸和平统一的,最佳选择必是都相聚在伟人孙中山先生的旗帜下,完善健全和发展孙中山的五权分立体制,实施本文倡导的21世纪和平新政。只有中国完成了顺民意世潮的大变革,才是开创21世纪全新的和平文明世界的开始!
改革西方民主制加入东方元素,将伟人孙中山先生的西式完全政党政治较浓厚的五权分立体制,进一步改革为不完全政党政治。中国古代就有“结党营私”一说,所有政党社团参政议政都不执政,无执政党和在野党之分, 避免执政党自身权益高于国家及一切的完全政党政治弊病。将不会有执政党下台被动推翻消亡或执政地位被他党取代的艰险和痛苦,从而长存久安。政党社团应放弃争取执政的目标也仅参政议政,发挥高尚的政治智慧和修养,修改各自政党社团和要员个人的利益诉求,放弃过高权力欲望更改奋斗目标,以人民的利益为重。
1,改革伟人孙中山先生提出的五权分立和西式三权分立为三府合政: (1)由新科举考试后全民“国策”大选即“智慧”大选出的“行政府”(可简称官府),其各机构和职能与西式三权分立之行政相似;(2)民选即全民针对“提案”而大选出的,不需新科举考试的旨在立法的“议政府”(可简称民府),其各机构和职能与西式三权分立之议会相似;(3)新科举考试不需民选的具多重制衡权的“理政府”(可简称士府),理政府包括行使提供全民免费的教育院、医疗院等生存权;文物院、(包括专利的)私产院和(包括国土的)资源院等资产权;科学院、(包括公德奖罚和智库的)德智院和考试院等考试权;检查院、廉政院和法院等司法权;(包括报刊和网络的)传媒院、诚信院和监察院等监察权等的,组成松散结合的理政府,因此,理政府还具有小部分专业性极强的行政功能和部分西式议会参议院功能。
10,新政为民选和科举有分有合的“三式选举制”,既顺民意而又规范于学理, 既“提案”大选和“国策”(智慧)大选的对比交织进而优化,也有利于博才寡言的理论家和灵话善辩的活动家及两者兼优人才都有发辉和贡献的机会。这新政的民选与科举不受年龄,姓别、民族、党派、贫富、形象和口才等局限,公平合理,远强于现西式选举。
党不执政与军不从政同理合理, 易天下太平避免社会撕裂,避免政变和动乱,和平且安全。这中西结合不完全政党政治的,高智商群体智者治国的,真正理想而先进的新型政体,能让各国人民对国家、社会及政治制度的自信和骄傲,也是世界真正进入新和平文明世纪的里程碑。由21世纪新政将导致——从"民主"走向"智主"!崇尚智慧治理社会,"民主"是"智主"的初级阶段,是智者治理社会"智主"的雏形。现实世界应先由智慧群体主导,逐步发展虚拟世界“元宇宙”系统,最终实现无人智慧体系协助现实智慧群体治理社会---人类的终极体制!起草人:赫连禾 (邹和明)
2019.8.6 (20世纪90年代初稿 2024年3月1曰修改)
出处:pastebin.com/2vTBYsu7 或 matters.news/@hliagh 或 gist.github.com/Hliagh
【Subject to the original Chinese 】 pastebin.com/2vTBYsu7 或 matters.news/@hliagh 或 gist.github.com/Hliagh
Declaration of the New Deal for Peace in the 21st Century
----Democracy is a virgin land, the wise man is the moral high ground, and the society is governed by the wisdom group elected by the new imperial examination, and democracy is moving towards the wise man!" Non-party groups are strong against society without tearing and war, and control artificial intelligence to make the world peaceful and prosperous! And the best solution to the internal affairs of Chinese mainland and the Taiwan issue that is easily accepted by all parties in China.
(Foreword: Under the banner of the great man Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the only one that is conducive to the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait and is easily accepted by all parties, the reform of the Western-style political system, and all political parties and associations participating in and discussing politics are not in power, that is, only the ruling wise man is smoothly replaced, and there is no great turmoil in the ruling party, the new deal for peace in the 21st century in which the separation of powers is optimized by combining China and the West, and the wise man is governed by the elected imperial examination, China can take the lead and move from "democratic" development to "wise man"! Advocating wisdom to govern society, "democracy" is the initial stage of "wisdom", and it is the prototype of "wisdom" in society governed by wisdom. The real world should be dominated by the intelligent group first, and gradually develop the virtual world "metaverse" system, and finally realize the best system for the real intelligent group to govern the society with the assistance of the unmanned intelligent system. )
Taking into account the realities of various political systems and countries, the vast majority of countries have chosen Western political systems for reform or change, but the inherent and increasingly obvious shortcomings of Western political systems have become a reason for some to attack, reject or be suspicious. Not only that, but the shortcomings of the current Western political system are: it is difficult to produce the best decisions, and most of them are neither superior nor inferior, and the compromise after the confrontation is bent on, which makes the governance unsatisfactory and the voters lose confidence; Consortium business giants have too much influence on politics; Rival political parties take turns to govern, and decision-making is easy to turn over and over again, costing the people and money, chaotic before and after, and voters are prone to lose confidence; It is not just a few people, but several major groups of parties competing for the highest power, and strong confrontation is easy to tear apart society and disappoint voters; In addition, there are also campaigning image, eloquence, and financial role, which are not conducive to erudite and taciturn theorists, and are not conducive to candidates who are not funded by big conglomerates; Most of the candidates who are erudite but not good at arguing are easily defeated by candidates who are only good at image and eloquence, and so on; The most obvious example of the weakness of the Western-style system of government, in countries such as Iraq, cannot solve the problem of peaceful rule by multiple parties and sects. It is also necessary to reform and improve the Western-style form of government, and it is important to develop the separation of powers of Sun Yat-sen, and it is necessary to examine and supervise. Reform the Western-style political system, all political parties and associations participate in politics and discuss politics without being in power, that is, only the ruling wise man is replaced smoothly, and there is no major turmoil in the ruling party, and the "21st Century Peace New Deal" is a combination of China and the West to optimize the separation of five powers, and the democratically elected imperial examination and the wise man governs the country. It can be seen from the modern history of Japan, especially after the Great Kanto Earthquake, that many high-level decision-makers have expansionist ambitions and invade land such as North and South Korea and China, and they know that their children and grandchildren will eventually be killed in an earthquake with a great probability, so they also brutally invade China and other places out of selfishness, and do not feel at ease with the Japanese islands. However, some people in Taiwan have created a crisis that tears apart society, splits the country and splits the nation that is not conducive to peace, and is in danger of severing their ancestors; in fact, because of the abandonment of the mainland, many families will be cut off from their ancestors and grandchildren, and they only cater to the ignorance of the far-sighted class, which is also detrimental to regional security and world peace, and at least it will make it impossible for the Taiwanese people to make a choice to return to the mainland to prevent the destruction of their ancestors and grandchildren.
The turbulent 2020 election in the United States, which shook the world, highlighted the corruption of party politics and revealed the crisis of human faith at the beginning of the 21st century. In fact, similar to man's victory over nature, there are unnatural or supernatural "god" powers, and man cannot take himself to the extreme, and in the infinite "man" and "nature" are limited definitions. However, this "supergod" or his "incarnation" will not be a mortal human, and all living Buddha myths are fiction. Different methods of observation and analysis will have different limited results such as patterns and patterns. It is worth emphasizing, therefore, that substance and truth are the sum of an infinite number of scientific descriptions under finite conditions, and that God is as deep as infinity. Life is just one of the infinite forms of material movement and existence. The "unknown life", "superlife", or the limit of the superlife, i.e., the "supergod" of the unknown microworld and the unknown macroworld, cannot be defined, analyzed, and searched for by the known life. In this regard, all religions around the world should deepen and integrate the belief in the "super-god" that truly defines the limits of "God" and "God". Ultimately, it should be dominated by the system of wisdom, and before mankind has eliminated war and evil, there is absolutely a need for this integration and harmony of faith. Everything needs peace, everything is based on science, everything is for development.
With the development of civilization and education in the new century, the rule of law should be combined with morality, the existence of the rule of law is aimed at safeguarding social morality, and the social governance and rationality of public law and public morality should be combined, that is, the rule of law and morality, and the combination of symptomatic and rational. The combination of the public and scholars, public opinion and academic theory, such as the combination of direct election of citizens and the selection and promotion of scholars in the imperial examination; With the combination of Eastern and Western civilizations and the essence of various ethnic cultures, it will create a new 21st century of rapid development, dominated by the wise group and assisted by the unmanned intelligence system. China is the key to influencing the development of peace and civilization in the new century, and people generally hope that China's great reform should be carried out in a peaceful manner to avoid paying huge social costs and heavy costs, and that the social reform in the new century should put an end to the bloodshed. In order to make the vast majority of people acceptable, the best choice for the integration of China and the West that is not completely Westernized and conducive to the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait must be to gather under the banner of the great man Dr. Sun Yat-sen, perfect, improve and develop Sun Yat-sen's system of separation of powers, and implement the new deal for peace in the 21 st century advocated by this article. Only when China completes the great transformation that conforms to the will of the people will the tide of the world will it be the beginning of creating a new peaceful and civilized world in the 21st century!
The reform of Western democracy has added oriental elements, and the system of separation of powers, which is relatively strong in the Western-style complete party politics of the great man Dr. Sun Yat-sen, has been further reformed into incomplete party politics. In ancient China, there was a saying that "forming a party for personal gain" meant that all political parties and associations participating in and discussing state affairs would not be in power, and there would be no distinction between ruling parties and opposition parties, so as to avoid the complete political malpractice of party politics in which the rights and interests of the ruling party itself are higher than the state and everything else. There will be no hardships and pains in which the ruling party will be overthrown, passively overthrown, or replaced by another party, so that there will be lasting peace and stability. Political parties and organizations should give up the goal of striving for power and only participate in the administration and discussion of state affairs, give full play to their noble political wisdom and cultivation, revise the interests of their respective political parties and organizations and the personal interests of key members, give up their excessive desire for power and change their goals, and put the interests of the people first.
The Chinese people must all hope for China's peaceful reunification and rejuvenation of a civilization and prosperity, and this great mission also requires the joint efforts of all Chinese, political parties, associations and politicians around the world. This can be used for a peaceful transition, the only one under the great man Sun Yat-sen that is conducive to the reunification of the two sides of the strait and is easily accepted by both sides, the combination of China and the West to optimize the separation of powers, the real implementation of the right to take the examination of the high-IQ group of wise people to govern the country, all political parties and associations to participate in and discuss politics are not in power, not complete party politics, only the ruling wise man is smoothly replaced, and there is no new deal for peace in the 21st century that is changed in a great turmoil of the ruling party. That is, the "three-government joint government" system of Shifu democracy, with the separation of powers as the means and the end of the government, its structure is summarized as follows:
1. The separation of five powers and the Western-style separation of powers proposed by the great man Dr. Sun Yat-sen of reform are the three government governments: (1) The "executive government" (which can be referred to as the government) elected by the general election of the whole people's "national policy" after the new imperial examination, that is, the "wisdom" election, has its various institutions and functions similar to the Western-style administration of the separation of powers; (2) Democratically suffraged, i.e., a "parliamentary government" (which can be referred to as a people's government) for the purpose of legislating and not requiring a new imperial examination in response to a "proposal", and its institutions and functions are similar to those of a Western-style parliament with a separation of powers; (3) the new imperial examination does not require a democratically elected "government of government" with multiple checks and balances, which includes exercising the right to subsistence such as providing free education centers and medical centers for all; the property rights of cultural relics institutes, private property institutes (including patents) and resource institutes (including land institutes); the right to examine the Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Ethics and Intelligence (including public morality rewards and punishments and think tanks) and the Examination Institute; judicial powers such as the Procuratorate, the Anti-Corruption Court and the courts; (including newspapers and the Internet) media institutes, integrity institutes, supervision institutes, and other supervisory powers, etc., form a loosely integrated government, so the government also has a small number of highly professional administrative functions and some Western-style parliamentary senate functions.
2. The term of office of each government is four years, the general election of the executive government and the parliamentary government is held every four years, and the new imperial examination is once a year. Those who participate in the imperial examination must be postdoctoral researchers of famous institutes who have passed the prescribed scope of qualification examination such as physical examination, integrity and criminal record, and they can be allowed to be selected for a maximum of three imperial examinations regardless of whether they have been selected for the imperial examination. The new imperial examination is subject to the subjects of administration, management, political science, law and economics, with supplementary questions, i.e., all many subjects. The new imperial examination is an examination of the number and range of questions beyond the limit, and the talent IQ test (this talent IQ test is gradually deepened with the development of high technology, and finally turned into the whole society management relying on the guidance of the unmanned intelligence system).
3. Gradually introduce a refined fair and efficient "voting share" system, that is, all important official matters such as election referendums and proposal voting, which have accumulated over the past and depend on the right and wrong results and are counted by the computer, and each person's different and changing "shares" for each vote will be recorded in terms of integrity, qualifications and qualifications. To make all important votes of all people more careful and, in particular, more effective. It is necessary to fully follow and make use of the resources and role of the rapidly developing computer network technology to continuously improve the management level of the new policy. In the end, it was transformed into the management of the whole society, relying on the guidance of the unmanned intelligence system.
4. The prime minister of the executive government (and the supreme commander of the military and police) applies for the prime minister by the two earliest ranking of the imperial examination Magi, who is the prime minister candidate, and independently combines the top magi into two groups of running partners to be protected by the prime minister, and then elects the president and vice prime minister at the general election. In the general election, the prime minister can be elected to the third group of candidates by two-thirds of the three government joint meetings, and only run for a second term; After being selected in the second and third imperial examinations and in the general election, they can be re-elected, and if they are not elected three times, they will no longer be eligible to run for election. All government officials at the level of chief and deputy ministers shall be appointed by the prime minister from among the wise men who have passed the imperial examinations of the corresponding sessions, and may be resigned without any restrictions on the number of times they can be rehired after being approved by half of the other two governments. The chief and deputy chief executives of each province (special region or prefecture) and city and county (district) shall be elected by the local voters, and the other officials shall be appointed by the chief executive of the respective imperial examinations.
5. After being elected, the chief executive at all levels shall resign from the original posts of the party or sect of the association, and the administration shall not carry the bias of the party or sect of the association, and shall flexibly select all the optimal decisions of all parties and factions that are not just one party and one party after arguing according to their needs, that is, the best political program "national policy" will be combined from the various issues of various political parties and associations without political party color and ideological orientation, and the "proposals" of any political party, organization and individual political opinion shall not be the same as the "national policy". Only the administrative organs at the city and county (special region or prefecture) level, and the offices under them, i.e., township offices, township offices, grassroots village offices, and street offices, shall be appointed and dismissed by the chief executive at a higher level; The parliamentary government and the administrative government are not established at any level below the provincial (special region or prefecture) level, and only an appropriate number of permanent "inspection teams" are set up by the parliamentary government and the administrative government, which need to be temporarily stationed in the executive government of the city or county (special region or prefecture) under their jurisdiction, and the government and the administrative government affairs and cases (such as prosecution and filing) can make extensive use of the Internet. To simplify the complexity and bloat of Western-style institutions, the concept of "administration" must be set up in cities and counties (special districts or prefectures). On the other hand, the parliamentary government and the administrative government are the concepts of "parliament" and "cut", and it is entirely possible to make full use of the Internet and its videos to streamline the administration and reduce the number of personnel and abolish its city, county (special district or prefecture) level institutions.
6. Candidates who are registered in the jurisdiction of all parties, factions, associations, sects or individuals may run for the Central Parliamentary Government and the provincial (special region or prefecture) parliamentary government members after qualification examination, and are elected by the voters under their jurisdiction without the imperial examination, and the number of elected terms is not limited. Participating in a general election in which the parliamentary government has a political party color or ideological orientation is different from a general election in which the executive government has no strong party color and no ideological orientation. The chairperson and vice-chairperson shall be elected by the current councillor of the parliamentary government and the total number of chairmen and vice-chairmen of the central parliamentary government plus the chairmen and vice-chairmen of the provinces (special regions or prefectures) shall be equal to the number of the other two governments participating in the joint meeting of the three governments.
7. The chief and deputy judges, presidents, examiners, examiners, prosecutors and judges of the central government and the provincial (special region or prefecture) government shall be ranked by the qualified persons of the new imperial examination, that is, the wise men on the list, according to the scores of the corresponding subjects of the new imperial examination, and the scores of the corresponding disciplines in the new imperial examination, they can refer to the doctoral majors obtained by the original famous schools or the work majors they are engaged in and classified into the files. It does not need to be elected by the people, nor is it not responsible for the appointment of the chief executive, and only serves the country in accordance with the constitution and laws, and exercises all decisions in all cases, excluding the need for the "tripartite joint council" to adjudicate, which is different from the Western-style form of government, and makes the judicial power, supervision power, and examination power more decentralized and independent. The chief and deputy clerks, presidents, examiners, prosecutors and judges of each branch of the government shall resign after a term of four years, and may be re-elected only after a new examination. After his resignation, he will be reverted to the position of a Wise Men of the Legion, and may be appointed to a position other than that of the Chief Executive of the Territorial Executive or to the position of the Inspector General of the Governing Body.
8. Legislative proposals can be put forward by a simple majority, and the governments shall participate in the examination and approval, and the government proposals shall be submitted to the government for amendments first, and then submitted to the government for examination and approval, one or more than two-thirds shall be repealed; The government shall first submit the proposal to the bank, the government may make amendments, and then submit it to the government for examination and approval, and one or more than two-thirds of the proposals shall be passed and repealed; The proposal of the government shall be submitted to the government for amendment, and the government may also make an amendment, and then return to the government for examination and approval of one of the amendments, or pass the original proposal by two-thirds of the vote; Proposals approved by a two-thirds majority of the parliamentary government do not need to be submitted to the other two governments for direct approval, and the proposal is finally approved by the parliamentary government and signed by the prime minister, and if the visa is refused, it will automatically take effect after 10 days. The final adjudication of major cases such as constitutional amendments, referendum initiation bills, central-level impeachment cases, and the resignation and removal of presidium members must be submitted by a vote of at least two governments, and convened by the chairman must be passed by a two-thirds vote of the "joint meeting of the three governments and one delegation (presidium)"; Provincial-level impeachment bills and major bills shall be voted and submitted by at least two local governments, and shall be convened by the prime minister and approved by more than two-thirds of the local "tri-government joint meeting";
9. The members of the presidium are all non-empowered senior ministers, among which the latest outgoing prime minister is the president of the state (symbolic head of state), the latest outgoing vice prime minister is the vice president of the state, and the president and vice president of the state are all with the rest of the previous outgoing prime ministers, outgoing chairmen and vice presidents and outgoing chief and vice presidents for the presidium for life, and the presidium exercises the functions of ceremonial envoys, independent investigations and inspection reports, and participation in the voting of major bills.
10. The "three-style election system" of the New Deal is a combination of the people's election and the imperial examination, which not only conforms to the will of the people but is also standardized in the academic theory, and the contrast between the "proposal" general election and the "national policy" (wisdom) general election is intertwined and optimized, and it is also conducive to the opportunity for the erudite theorists and the activists who are eloquent and eloquent, as well as the talents who are both excellent, to shine and contribute. The popular elections and imperial examinations of the New Deal are not limited by age, surname, ethnicity, political party, wealth or poverty, image and eloquence, etc., and are fair and reasonable, which is far stronger than the current Western-style elections.
11. The New Deal for Peace is a "scholarly democracy", and all so-called democracy so far is only capable of being guided by those powerful parties and interest groups, and the sages and sages who have stood out through the imperial examination and popular elections are the representatives of public opinion and scholarship, not the representatives of a certain political party, association, sect or interest group. In the end, it was transformed into the management of the whole society, relying on the guidance of the unmanned intelligence system.
12. All ethnic groups and regions with their own characteristics have full autonomy, and the smallest group of the smallest ethnic group or the smallest region has the maximum vote rate of the prime minister, speaker of parliament, and theirs as long as the wise person produces it, which is much greater than the current Western-style election rate, highlighting equality and justice. Neighboring countries that have been affiliated with the past or have the support of the public can participate in the New Deal for Peace in Greater China, unconditionally accept military protection, disaster relief, and economic assistance, and have the right to stand for election and be elected, and have full autonomy. The whole world follows the example of this New Deal for Peace and shares it, which can be extended and expanded into a community of the United New Deal for Peace.
The party's failure to govern is the same as the military's failure to engage in politics, and it is easy for the world to be peaceful and avoid social divisions, coups and turmoil, and peace and security. This new type of government, which combines Chinese and Western politics with incomplete party politics and is governed by wise people with high IQs, is truly ideal and advanced, can make the people of all countries confident and proud of their country, society, and political system, and is also a milestone for the world to truly enter a new century of peace and civilization. The New Deal of the 21st century will lead to a shift from "democracy" to "wisdom"! Advocating wisdom to govern society, "democracy" is the initial stage of "wisdom", and it is the prototype of "wisdom" in society governed by wisdom. The real world should be dominated by the intelligent group first, and gradually develop the virtual world "metaverse" system, and finally realize the ultimate system of unmanned intelligent system to assist the real intelligent group in governing the society --- human beings! Drafter: He Lianhe (Zou Heming)
Drafter: ZoHmng
2019.8.6 (First draft in the 90s of the 20th century, revised on March 1, 2024)
See more information: https://pastebin.com/2vTBYsu7
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