The Quest of Devil (Part-1)( 惡魔的追求(第 1 部分))

Why siva don't want to do masters along with his close friends Raju and Harsha.( 為什麼 siva 不想和他的密友 Raju 和 Harsha 一起做大師。)

有三個朋友(siva、Raju和Harsha)一起讀本科,畢業後Raju和Harsha決定去國外讀碩士,而siva想工作,因為他不想遠離女朋友。 他想盡快找到工作和她結婚☺️。


Siva 正在努力尋找工作,但由於 covid-19 大流行,新生沒有工作機會🥺。

隨著日子一天天過去,siva卻沒能找到工作。 於是,Raju 和 Harsha 建議 siva 和他們一起做碩士,並讓他申請那裡的大學😊。





English version:

There are three friends(siva, Raju and Harsha) who were studied together bachelor, after they graduation Raju and Harsha were decided to do masters in abroad while siva wants to do job because he don't want to stay away from his girlfriend. He wants to get job and Marry her as soon as possible☺️.

So, Because of taiwan providing stipend with good studies Raju and Harsha decided to do there masters in Taiwan😀.

Siva was trying hard to find the job, but due to covid-19 pandemic, no job opportunities for the freshers🥺.

As the days where passing on, but siva was not able to get job. So, Raju and Harsha suggested siva to do masters along with them and made him to apply in there university😊.

By gods blessings he got the admission in the same university and siva came to taiwan to do his masters🙏.

Even though he don't want to stay away from her lover, due to the bad situations he has no other option.😔


What happened after siva arrived in taiwan.😳

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siva我的自我 我是 siva 我來自印度,來到台灣攻讀機械工程碩士學位。 I am siva from india, came to taiwan to pursue Masters in Mechanical engineer.
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