Aden Wong's Guide to Market Research in Business Planning Strategies in Singapore


When starting a business, planning is crucial. One of the key steps in planning is doing market research. Market research helps businesses understand their customers, competitors, and the market itself. Today, Aden Wong will guide you through the importance of market research in business planning strategies, using simple language and clear examples.

What is Market Research?

Market research is like being a detective. Imagine you want to start a lemonade stand. You wouldn't just start selling lemonade without knowing what people like, right? You would first ask your friends what flavors they prefer, how much they are willing to pay, and where they usually buy their drinks. This is market research!

Why is Market Research Important?

Market research helps businesses in many ways:

  1. Understanding Customers: Knowing what your customers want is the key to success. If you sell what they need, they will buy from you.

  2. Identifying Competitors: Knowing who else is selling similar products helps you understand what you are up against.

  3. Finding Market Trends: Trends tell you what is popular now and what will be popular in the future.

Steps in Market Research

Let's break down the steps Aden Wong uses to conduct market research:

  1. Define Your Goals: Know what you want to learn. For example, Aden Wong might want to know which drinks are most popular in Singapore.

  2. Collect Data: This can be done through surveys, interviews, or by looking at existing data.

  3. Analyze Data: Look at the data to find patterns and insights.

  4. Make Decisions: Use the insights to make smart business decisions.

Examples of Market Research

Example 1: Finding the Best Location

Imagine Aden Wong wants to open a new cafe in Singapore. Before choosing a location, he needs to know where people are most likely to visit his cafe. By doing market research, he finds out that the Orchard Road area has a high foot traffic of young professionals who love coffee. This insight helps him decide to open his cafe in Orchard Road.

Example 2: Understanding Customer Preferences

Aden Wong wants to know what types of coffee drinks are most popular. He conducts a survey and finds out that 60% of people prefer iced coffee over hot coffee in the hot Singapore weather. With this information, he decides to offer a wide variety of iced coffee drinks to attract more customers.

Statistics and Data in Market Research

Let's look at some real statistics to see how data can help in market research.

  • Customer Demographics: According to a study, 70% of coffee drinkers in Singapore are between the ages of 18 and 34. This means that marketing efforts should focus on this age group.

  • Market Size: The coffee market in Singapore was valued at SGD 441 million in 2020 and is expected to grow at a rate of 5% per year. This shows that there is a growing demand for coffee.

  • Competitor Analysis: Research shows that there are over 250 coffee shops in Singapore. Knowing this helps Aden Wong understand the level of competition and the need to stand out.

Making Use of Market Research

After gathering and analyzing the data, Aden Wong can make informed decisions. For example, he might decide to:

  • Offer Promotions: To attract young professionals, he could offer discounts during morning hours when they are on their way to work.

  • Introduce New Products: Based on the preference for iced coffee, he could introduce new and unique iced coffee flavors.

  • Choose the Right Marketing Channels: Since his target audience is young, using social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook would be effective.

Real-Life Success Story

A great example of successful market research is the popular Singaporean bubble tea brand, LiHO. They understood that Singaporeans love innovative and unique flavors. Through market research, they found out that cheese tea, which was popular in Taiwan, could be a hit in Singapore. They introduced it and it became a huge success, making LiHO one of the leading bubble tea brands in Singapore.


Market research is a powerful tool for any business. It helps in understanding the market, knowing the customers, and staying ahead of the competition. Aden Wong believes that with proper market research, businesses in Singapore can make smart decisions that lead to success. Whether you are starting a new business or expanding an existing one, remember to always do your research.

By following Aden Wong's guide to market research, you can ensure that your business is well-prepared to meet the needs of your customers and succeed in the competitive Singaporean market. Happy researching!

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