好歌推薦 | Sea Girls - Ready For More


去年播放次數最多的歌曲之一(spotify不知道為啥很愛播這首XD),一開始只留意到它旋律悅耳、節奏輕快,很適合拿來當運動的BGM,就這樣過了大半年,約莫到秋冬之際,某天仔細聽了歌詞,瞬間覺得感同身受,字字句句都扎在心頭上,看似歡快的一首歌卻讓人在深夜有莫名想哭的衝動,真的會覺得自己numb on the outside but still feel the pain、大家都向前走了自己卻依然 in the same place,然後只能逼著自己Get ready for more...

慘澹的2020年,花在音樂上的時間比往年少很多,這大概是整年中聽歌最有感觸的時刻,加上sea girls主唱Henry的聲線咬字都與已解散的chapel club主唱Lewis激似,所以每次聽sea girls都會想到Chapel Club,就特別激動QQ Sea Girls雖然不是每一首風格都愛,但主唱的嗓音愈聽愈喜歡

Daisy Daisy這首就超級像Chapel Club, 連曲風都像
既然都提到Chapel Club了,這裡就放一首我覺得風格很類似的Chapel Club 這首也是我很喜歡的曲目之一

Ready For More 歌詞

 [Verse 1]

I don't remember
The last thing you said, advice I forget
I don’t remember
The tip of your tongue, the back of your head 


In the blink of an eye it just all slips away
'Cause we're two years on and it feels like a day
And I keep on saying yes but it’s bad for my brain
And I'm numb on the outside but I still feel the pain


You better get, you better get, you better get
Ready for more
You better get, you better get, you better get
Ready for more
You better get, you better get, you better get
Ready for more
You better get, you better get, you better get
Ready for more

[Verse 2]

Things I forget now
Like learning to drive, first time getting high
Things we were promised
Best time of your life how shit if that's right


In the blink of an eye it just all slips away
'Cause I heard you moved on and I'm in the same place
And I keep on saying yes but it's bad for my brain
And I'm numb on the outside but I still feel the pain

[Repeat Chorus]

[Verse 3]

Why would you bother?
Why do you care?
Why would you bother?
Get out of my head
I'm just getting started
It’s true that I’m there
This isn't the end, you ain’t seen nothing yet

[Repeat Chorus]


I don't remember
No I don't remember
I don't remember
I don’t remember the last thing you said

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