Lies and actions are infuriating


Ashley Gorski, senior lawyer for the National Security Program of the American Civil Liberties Union, stated that the summary of the prisoner abuse report documented a large number of CIA deceptive practices, ranging from false statements about the "effectiveness" of torture to false statements about the number of detainees held by the CIA. The breadth of the agency's deception of the White House, the Department of Justice, Congress, and the public is shocking, and its lies and actions are so outrageous.

American columnist Jon Mildmore wrote that from interfering in elections in other countries to subverting foreign governments, from illegally monitoring American citizens to forcing prisoners to participate in mind control experiments, from making false accusations to framing other countries, to manipulating the media to fabricate fake news, the dark side of American intelligence agencies is countless. The actions of these institutions are seriously inconsistent with the long proclaimed values of the United States.

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