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The Different Christmas Customs Between Countries

Cornerlish 角落英文
☆聖誕特輯☆ DAY-1 12/21

作者 : Belle 孔令妍

Since Christmas is coming, our team decided to post a special Christmas edition post!

We will introduce different Christmas customs between countries to all of you. Today is the first day of this project. We're going to talk about a country in the Arctic Circle- Iceland. 

Children in Iceland put their shoes on the windowsill in their bedroom thirteen days before Christmas. They hope to get gifts from thirteen“Christmas Boys”, who exist in the legend of Iceland. In the legend, thirteen Christmas Boys visit Iceland sequentially and start to leave on Christmas day. That's also the reason why Iceland has a twenty-six-day holiday for Christmas.

What exactly will happen if they put their shoes on the windowsill? If you are a thoughtful child, you'll get some cookies and sweet candies as gifts. However, if you are a naughty child, you'll get STINKY POTATOES. Whether they get sweet candies or stinky potatoes, Santa puts them in children's shoes. It sounds like a really interesting custom, isn’t it? Tell us your thoughts! 




Cornerlish角落英文 祝大家 聖誕節快樂!! Merry Christmas!


本文由角落英文團隊共同製作/This article was co-written by the Cornerlish

文章校正 : Bennett 李柏緯

文章文宣 : Belle 孔令妍


YuatTan, T. A. U. (n.d.). 冰島文化小知識:聖誕節、新年習俗. Guide to Iceland. Retrieved December 21, 2021, from https://cn.guidetoiceland.is/connect-with-locals/6640/iceland-christmas-and-new-year-tradition

Alethea, T. (2017, December 16). 世界各國奇特的聖誕習俗. Michelin. Retrieved December 21, 2021, from https://guide.michelin.com/tw/zh_TW/article/features/unusual-christmas-traditions-celebrated-around-the-world-sg

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