Hello ~大家好,我是來自中國的溫時意。喜歡水晶。會有很多想法和念頭~會在這裡紀錄下我的日常思想。歡迎大家跟我一起探討水晶,交流想法吶(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)
Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!
Hello ~大家好,我是來自中國的溫時意。喜歡水晶。會有很多想法和念頭~會在這裡紀錄下我的日常思想。歡迎大家跟我一起探討水晶,交流想法吶(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)
Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!