Why Are Loud Whistles Necessary


Hearing a loud whistle can be annoying, especially in the wrong hands. Children often see whistles as a toy to play with to annoy their friends, parents or siblings. Whistles can be a fun toy, but some whistles are specifically designed to be very loud; these aren’t considered safe for children. The noise can be so loud that it hurts your ears and can, over a prolonged time, damage hearing. Loud whistles are very important for many different applications; here are some reasons why loud whistles are necessary.

People hard of hearing

As people grow older, their hearing deteriorates; this can happen at varying rates, depending on the person’s exposure to loud noises and individual health profile. Public places such as beaches, swimming pools, and train platforms will be filled with people of all ages, each with varying levels of hearing. A loud whistle should be recognisable to most people, even those who are hard of hearing. Often people who need to wear hearing aids to help them to hear will take them out when they go for a swim in the pool or into the sea at the beach. This could be very dangerous; they’re unlikely to hear someone calling out danger or calling their name. A loud whistle is more likely to be picked up by those hard of hearing compared to many other methods of communication in an emergency situation. This is one reason loud whistles are used at the beach and swimming pools.

Noisy situations

A whistle is a very distinctive noise that can get everyone's attention, no matter how loud the situation. Humans and animals can hear loud whistles even in noisy situations where people are talking, or there is machinery and other background noises. Thus, they are useful at the beach, on the playground, during a hunt, on a battlefield, and more. Each of these situations can be very loud. More muted, quiet whistles aren’t suitable for use in loud, busy situations. 

Long range

Another key advantage of loud whistles is their range; they can be heard over several miles. This is very useful when training dogs in the open; they will hear the whistle even when they’re far from their owner. Long-range whistles can also be very beneficial for search and rescue teams. If a single walker or a group of hikers uses loud whistles when they become stuck or if they get in trouble, the search and rescue team is more likely to be able to find them successfully. People should always carry loud whistles when they’re going off on their own into a potentially dangerous situation. Loud whistles that can be heard over long distances are also recommended when walking in poor weather conditions or when skiing.

Attracts attention

A loud whistle instantly attracts attention; people will stop what they are doing and look around to see what is happening. This can be used to the advantage of the person holding the whistle. Enforcement officers can use loud whistles to break up fights between people. Teachers can use them to get students' attention when they’re doing something they shouldn’t. People scared or worried about an attacker can use a loud whistle to draw attention to themselves and scare the attacker off. Fire marshals can use them in a life-threatening fire to help people trapped navigate their way to safety, even in smoky conditions. The general nature of a loud sound that can attract attention is beneficial in many different situations. 

People may think whistles are no longer needed, but they are a very important survival tool that can help save lives in many dangerous situations. If you hear a loud whistle make sure you pay attention and stop what you’re doing, you might need to take action, or someone could be in trouble. You can even buy survival whistles that can be used underwater if someone is diving and gets into trouble. When going into a dangerous situation, always carry a survival whistle and let people know where you’re going and when you will be expected home. This will increase your chances of survival and being found if anything does happen whilst you’re out walking, climbing, camping, or doing any other activity where you could endanger yourself. 


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onlinepublicationsCurrently working in the Online Media industry, Laura has worked hard to create attention-grabbing publications and to people of all backgrounds and ages. She currently is situated in Hong Kong.
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