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昨天跟朋友闲聊世界哲(xuán)学大会时,听说今年“西蒙·德·波伏娃讲座”主讲人Judith Butler曾与左翼大佬Slavoj Zizek联名声援一位被控性骚扰的女权主义学者,顿感好奇,遂循迹在芝加哥大学法学教授Brian Leiter的哲学博客上找到了公开信原文。看国外相关报道在六月上旬集中爆发,但这一事件在最近两天才见诸国内报端,微信公众号上仍鲜有讨论,关注度与其意义极不成比例(补充:我发贴后才了解到,原来是NYTimes三天前的报道让国内终于开始关注这件事)。我虽然关注性别平权时间不长,且没有相关专业素养,但算得上拥护#Metoo运动,另一方面又热衷于揭露、调侃、批判学术领域内外的教条主义、宗派主义,这一联名事件貌似正好处在我两个兴趣方向的交点上。鉴于公开信不长,而且国内外几乎所有报道都只是部分引用,我遂将信件全文草译呈现给Matters的诸位,希望能引来成熟观点和热烈讨论。

May, 11, 2018

Andrew Hamilton

President, New York University

Katharine Fleming

Provost, New York University

Dear President Hamilton and Provost Fleming,


We write as long-term colleagues of Professor Avital Ronell who has been under investigation by the Title IX offices at New York University. Although we have no access to the confidential dossier, we have all worked for many years in close proximity to Professor Ronell and accumulated collectively years of experience to support our view of her capacity as teacher and a scholar, but also as someone who has served as Chair of both the Departments of German and Comparative Literature at New York University. We have all seen her relationship with students, and some of us know the individual who has waged this malicious campaign against her. We wish to communicate first in the clearest terms our profound and enduring admiration for Professor Ronell whose mentorship of students has been no less than remarkable over many years. We deplore the damage that this legal proceeding causes her, and seek to register in clear terms our objection to any judgment against her. We hold that the allegations against her do not constitute actual evidence, but rather support the view that malicious intention has animated and sustained this legal nightmare.

我们以正在被贵校“《教育法第九修正案》办公室”调查的Avital Ronell教授多年同事身份向您递呈这封公开信。虽然我们无从获知本案保密卷宗的具体内容,但我们都与Ronell教授亲密共事多年,这些共同经验支撑着我们对她作为一名教师和学者、作为纽约大学德语系和比较文学系系主任的能力的认可。我们都见证了她和学生之间的关系,我们中的一些也认识向她发动这场恶意攻击的当事人。我们首先想非常明确地表达我们对Ronell教授深刻而长久的崇敬之情,她多年来对学生的卓越指导有目共睹。我们谴责这场诉讼给她造成的伤害,我们明确反对任何对她的审判。我们认为当事人对她的指控非但无法构成实际的证据,反而让人怀疑是歹意在推动和维持这场噩梦般的官司。

As you know, Professor Ronell has changed the course of German Studies, Comparative Literature, and the field of philosophy and literature over the years of her teaching, writing, and service. She is responsible for building the field of literary studies at New York University, but also throughout Europe as a result of her brilliant scholarship and spirit of intellectual generosity. Her students now teach at leading research institutions in the US, France, and Germany, and her intellectual influence is felt throughout the humanities, including media and technology studies, feminist theory, and comparative literary study. There is arguably no more important figure in literary studies at New York University than Avital Ronell whose intellectual power and fierce commitment to students and colleagues has established her as an exemplary intellectual and mentor throughout the academy. As you know, she is the Jacques Derrida Chair of Philosophy at the European Graduate School and she was recently given the award of Chevalier of Arts and Letters by the French government.

如您所知,在多年的教书、写作和任职生涯中,Ronell教授影响了日耳曼研究、比较文学、哲学和文学等学科的发展轨迹。凭借卓越的学术工作和慷慨的学术精神,她为纽约大学甚至整个欧洲大陆的文学研究领域的建设作出了贡献。她的学生目前在美国、法国和德国等多地的顶尖研究机构任教,她的学术影响力渗透了整个人文学科,包括媒介和技术研究、女性主义理论和比较文学研究。或许,纽约大学再没有比Avital Ronell教授更重要的文学研究学者了,她的智识力量,她对学生和同事的极度忠实,让她在整个学术界获得模范知识分子和良师的美名。如您所知,她目前担任欧洲研究生院“雅克·德里达”哲学院长,近日她还获颁了法国文学艺术骑士勋章。

We testify to the grace, the keen wit, and the intellectual commitment of Professor Ronell and ask that she be accorded the dignity rightly deserved by someone of her international standing and reputation. If she were to be terminated or relieved of her duties, the injustice would be widely recognized and opposed. The ensuing loss for the humanities, for New York University, and for intellectual life during these times would be no less than enormous and would rightly invite widespread and intense public scrutiny. We ask that you approach this material with a clear understanding of the long history of her thoughtful and successive mentorship, the singular brilliance of this intellectual, the international reputation she has rightly earned as a stellar scholar in her field, her enduring commitments to the university, and the illuminated world she has brought to your campus where colleagues and students thrive in her company and under her guidance. She deserves a fair hearing, one that expresses respect, dignity, and human solicitude in addition to our enduring admiration.





Judith Butler, Maxine Elliot Professor, Department of Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley, President-Elect, Modern Language Association (2020)

Emily Apter, Julius Silver Professor of French and Comparative Literature, Chair, Department of Comparative Literature, New York University

Catharine Stimpson, University Professor, New York University, former Dean of the Graduate School

John T. Hamilton, William R. Kenan Professor of German and Comparative Literature Chair, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Harvard University

Isabelle Alfandary, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Présidente de l'assemblée collégiale du collège international de philosophie, Paris

Jean-Luc Nancy, Professeur émérite, Universitéde Strasbourg

Edward J. Sullivan, Helen Gould Sheppard Professor of the History of Art, Institute of Fine Arts - Deputy Director, Department of Art History, New York University

Geoffrey Bennington, Asa G. Candler Professor of Modern French Thought, Emory University; Chair, Department of Comparative Literature

Laurence Rickels, writer and professor, European Graduate School; Visiting Professor, New York University

Pierre Alfari, Professor, Paris School of Fine Arts

Peter Connor, Professor of German, Barnard College

Manthia Diawara, Professor of Cinema Studies, Tisch School of the Arts, New York University

Denis Hollier, Department of French Literature, Thought, and Culture, New York University

Christopher Wood, Professor and Chair, Department of German, New York University

Susan Bernstein, Professor of German and Comparative Literature, Brown University

Cathy Caruth, Frank H.T. Rhodes Professor of Humane Letters, Cornell University

Cynthia Chase, Professor of French and Comparative Literature, Cornell University

Jonathan Culler, Distinguished Professor of French and Comparative Literature, Cornell University

Diane Davis, Professor and Chair, Department of Rhetoric, University of Texas-Austin

Hent de Vries, Paulette Goddard Professor of the Humanities, New York University

Bernhard Siegert, Professor for the History and Theory of Cultural Techniques, Bauhaus University Weimar

Joan W. Scott, Professor Emerita, School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study

Hans-Christian von Herrmann, Professor of Literature, Technical University Berlin

Suzanne Doppelt, writer and photographer, Paris; faculty, European Graduate School

Rudiger Campe, Professor of German, NYU and Frankfurt an der Oder

Vincent Broqua, Associate Professor of French at the University of Paris Est Créteil

Christopher Fynsk, Dean and Professor, European Graduate School

Elizabeth Rottenberg, Professor of Philosophy, DePaul University

Antje Pfannkuchen, Associate Professor of German, Dickinson College

Emanuela Bianchi, Associate Professor, Department of Comparative Literature, New York University

Mina Cheon, faculty, Maryland Institute College of Art

Michael G. Levine, Professor of German, Rutgers University

Paul North, Professor of German, Yale University

Elissa Marder, Chair, Department of French and Italian, Emory University

Nicola Behrmann, Associate Professor, German Languages and Literatures, Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Kristina Mendocino, Mellon Assistant Professor of Humanities and German, Brown University

Jeffrey Wallon, Professor of Comparative Literature, Hampshire College

Francois Noudelmann, Professor of Philosophy, University of Paris VIII

Jesus Mario Lozano Alamilla, Professor of Music, Universidad de las Americas Puebla, Mexico

Sam Weber, Professor of German, Northwestern University

Peter Fenves, Joan and Sarepta Harrison Professor of Literature, Department of German, Northwestern University

Shoshana Felman, Woodruff Professor of Comparative Literature and French, Emory University

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, University Professor, Columbia University

Slavoj Zizek, Distinguished Professor, Humanities Institute, University of London, Global Professor, New York University

Marc Redfield, Chair, Department of Comparative Literature, Brown University

Peter Szendy, David Herlihy Professor of Comparative Literature and Humanities, Brown University

Anselm Haverkamp, Professor emeritus NYU and Honorary Professor of Philosophy, Ludwig Maximilians-University Munich/Germany

Barbara Vinken, Chair of Romance Languages, Ludwig Maximilians-University Munich, Germany

Arno Böhler, Professor University of Vienna, Department of Philosophy and University of Applied Arts Vienna

Susanne Valerie Granzer, Professor, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

Elizabeth Weed, editor, differences, former director, Pembroke Center, Brown University

附:王芊霓译《齐泽克:我为什么要签署支持Avital Ronell的信?》

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