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🇹🇼 台灣 🛒好市多 2022避難戰略 食物 推薦 The Strategic foods you should get in Taiwan Costco before the…



Since the coronavirus rages the world, no matter calm or panic, the idea of storing strategic materials may have flashed from your mind.

The strategic food conditions must meet at least three basic conditions: availability during power outages, portability, and storage without refrigerators.


The following is a recommended list of non-starch strategic foods that don’t take up space on Costco Taiwan’s shelves:



This braised egg has the highest strategic food value; a large package contains 25 pieces, each of which is individually sealed and packaged, and can be stored for one year from the date of manufacture, each weighing only 35 grams and 60 calories, which can be eaten immediately.


This braised egg does not take up space and weighs about one-tenth of the same can of soda, and is very light.


The package is marked with “egg vegetarian”, and this manufacturer has also passed the strict inspection of Islamic food.


Taiwan’s Costco refrigerator area sells pure “frozen protein”, but because it can’t be kept away from the refrigerator for too long, it is not recommended.

🍫82% 黑巧克力


The chocolate flavor without any fancy for easy to carry, simple food, in peacetime as a home for dessert ingredients, is also very convenient.



There are two per pack, which can be supplemented with high-fiber nutrition at any time. The price may seem slightly higher, but it is more convenient than a large jar of nuts when you need to move or emergency shelter.



There are many types of beef jerky sold in Taiwan’s Costco, from pure black pepper flavors to American beef jerks loved by bodybuilders to beef jerks labeled as Japanese beef.


But in terms of taste and cost performance, it is not as good as this beef jerky from Kinmen. If you choose a beef jerky that is enjoyable and promotes positive thinking when you take refuge, it is still a good domestic product in Taiwan.



Carrefour has a similar product, European taste canned tomatoes can be processed or direct consumption, but Costco is a large box of eight canned, canned suitable as a refuge when the temporary loss of vegetable origin.



South Korean canned kimchi has always been the best choice for pairing with those boring refuge foods, and it can also add fiber.



The preserved degree of golden kimchi is not inferior to that of Korean kimchi, and it is a person with less acceptance of spiciness. When vegetables are temporarily unavailable, it is a good fiber supplement.


As for canned meat and canned fish, which are not mentioned in this article, they have always been the favorite of doomsday preparers.


Starch foods, such as biscuits and instant noodles, have poor protein content and take up a lot of storage space. You need to adjust the amount of preparation according to personal preference.

🌠🛒 不用囤積但可適量準備的避難食物(小七、好市多、全聯)

📖🛡🦠 防疫 抗病毒 閱讀書單

📦👋🏻 斷捨離 在 病毒 蔓延時

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