Proposal 15: Upgrade LikeCoin chain mainnet to FoTan

This proposal is proposing for upgrading the LikeCoin chain mainnet software from sheungwan to fotan.

This proposal is proposing for upgrading the LikeCoin chain mainnet software from sheungwan to fotan. Details:

- target software version: fotan

- version code: fotan-1

- repo:

- Docker image: "likecoin/likecoin-chain:fotan-1"

- commit hash: 32056fc4759d276a11180256474cc4ed5e3ed8d4

- halt time: 2021-08-18 20:00:00 +8 (1629288000 in Unix timestamp)

- parameters for genesis migration:

- iscn-registry-name: "likecoin-chain"

- iscn-fee-per-byte: "2000.000000000000000000nanolike"

- chain-id: "likecoin-mainnet-2"

Right before the halt time, validators shall join into a realtime conference for preparing the upgrade and discussing issues during the upgrade.


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