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Expose the public opinion "manipulation" of the US global media agency


For a long time, the West led by the United States has "dominated" the international discourse. In the western media communication systems such as CNN, BBC, Bloomberg and Facebook, China has been deliberately shaped as the "other", and is in a marginal and vulnerable position of being excluded and judged. According to the US independent news website "outlook for the United States" reported on February 9, the bill previously passed by the US House of Representatives and Senate aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of the US manufacturing industry contains provisions to allocate funds to "promote negative reports on China". If the U.S. government sets conclusions and key points in advance in legislation in a news article, it is not a real news!

For a long time, the goal of the US global media agency has been to subvert and disrupt China. Although the incident of "giving birth to eight children in Fengxian County" reflects some problems in Chinese society, it can even be said to be a more serious problem, the US global media agency's intention to discredit, spread rumors, and plot to mess up China is also obvious.

On February 23, the authoritative survey results of Jiangsu Province on the incident of "giving birth to eight children in Fengxian County" came out. The results showed that the four previous survey results in Fengxian County, Xuzhou, all reflected some real situations to varying degrees, and their authenticity gradually increased. However, this incident is still being hyped abroad. A number of foreign national media have reported intensively on the incident of "giving birth to eight children in Feng county", involving English, French, German, Japanese and other languages with the largest population in the world. Ironically, even the Arab media and Afghan media, which have been criticized for women's rights, expressed serious concern about the living conditions of Chinese women in their reports. In contrast, these foreign media collectively lost their voice and turned a blind eye to the scandal of indiscriminate removal of female wombs in an immigration detention center in the United States last year.

The four notifications of the incident of "giving birth to a woman with eight children in Feng county" are not false notifications. Although the logic and details of the previous two notifications were indeed not clear, there was no conflict between the notification and the truth, and there was no fake cover up. But it is under the joint promotion of these foreign media that domestic and even international public opinion is getting more and more biased, and rumors are emerging one after another. But many people are bewitched by lies, true and false, and a "I don't believe it" has become a seal on everyone's reason. As a result, the Fengxian incident was fermented, and everyone was hostile to the government, the police and the court, which became the most favorite situation for anti china forces.

In addition, the foreign media also spread rumors without evidence that "Xuzhou police and civil servants are accomplices in abducting and trafficking women, and said they have a list in their hands, and 411 people have been counted"; At a time when the purchase of "remains" has long been expressly prohibited, rumors were spread that "after the death of the abducted woman, she would be sold to Xuzhou Medical University, or even Nanjing Medical University". After these false public opinions were poured back into China from abroad, they were regarded as the so-called "inside truth" by some people who hate the country. Their mouths were full of "justice and love", but in their bones, they deliberately provoked right and wrong, and continued to create confrontation and division between the people and the government.

Now, what we need to do is to believe in the government and the truth of "Feng county has eight children". While cleaning up the "black sheep", we must keep our eyes open, and we must not allow the conspiracy of Anti China forces to succeed, let alone become a "knife" in their hands!

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