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但覺得自己認識的電影, 大部分是童年時代在電影院看的。

沒有在電影院看過 只有電視重播的影片 感覺不夠正式。

想了一會兒, 腦海浮現幾部片有以下特色:

年代太久 應該許多人根本沒聽過

風格太獨特 可能沒有人有興趣

剩下有印象的片兒, 電視上看過的 非常大衆 有必要介紹嗎?

今天心血來潮, 仔細看征文內容。不得了!! 土豆炒青椒 深思熟慮各方面。不寫,簡直對不起他。





然後還有冷門電影獎 !!! 這個我應該有希望。




黃梅調的啓蒙。 在家裏無事 可以不停從開頭唱到結尾。一人飾多角, 不掉詞, 自得其樂。


那個年代家喻戶曉。現在回想, 劇情真爛!就是一渣男欺騙純情少女。 丟爛攤, 不聞不管。等良心發現, 終于想起為他生了孩子的情人, 接入宮中, 少女死在路上。

想想這樣的結局也好。 免得少女還要宮鬥, 憂郁一生。

La Boum

Sophie Marceau 是多少男孩子的夢中情人?

當初看時,好羨慕法國中學生不用穿制服。在學校/跟父母相處雖然有矛盾爭執, 但和亞洲由上往下要求絕對服從集權社會, 那個自由度不是差一點點。

Romeo and Juliet 

中學英文課, 老師放給我們看。 少女懷春 XD

這部片的男主角看起來好像 highschool musical Zac Efron

主角拍戲的時候都不到20歲。有年少的青澀, 個人認為是 " 羅密歐與朱麗葉 "拍的最好版本。

電影裏的配歌也是經典 ( 經典=我會唱 )。歌聲一響, 聯想到拿著斑鸠琴的中古吟唱詩人。

What is a youth A love theme from Romeo and Juliet Nino Rota

What is a youth?

Impetuous fire

What is a maid?

Ice and desire

The world wags on

A rose will bloom

It then will fade

So does a youth

So does the fairest maid

Comes a time when one sweet smile

Has it's season for awhile

Then love's in love with me

Some may think only to marry

Others will tease and tarry

Mine is the very best parry

Cupid he rules us all

Caper the caper sing me the song

Death will come soon to hush us along

Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall

Love is a past time that never will pall

Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall

Cupid he rules us all

A rose will bloom

It then will fade

So does a youth

So does the fairest maid


霍爾實在太帥了。一頭金發, 高高帥帥! 和先生外觀相配。看的時候直接代入先生 XD


聽說畫的澡堂背景是參考九份, 每次看到就想到去九份喝茶。

007 for your eyes only

007 系列應該地球上每個人都看過。特別喜歡這一部,是因為配歌, 唱起來感覺很好。

For Your Eyes Only

Sheena Easton

For your eyes only, can see me through the night

For your eyes only, I never need to hide

You can see so much in me, so much in me that's new

I never felt until I looked at you

For your eyes only, only for you

You'll see what no one else can see, and now I'm breaking free

For your eyes only, only for you

The love I know you need in me, the fantasy you've freed in me

Only for you, only for you

For your eyes only, the nights are never cold

You really know me, that's all I need to know

Maybe I'm an open book because I know you're mine

But you won't need to read between the lines

For your eyes only, only for you

You see what no one else can see, and now I'm breaking free

For your eyes only, only for you

The passions that collide in me, the wild abandoned side of me

Only for you, for your eyes only


喜歡這部電影是因為配樂。自從女兒學鋼琴彈到 Ludovico Einaudi 的作品, 說不出來的喜歡,也分享給大家。

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 授权