Google Compute Engine auto snapshot
很多人都知道之前 gitlab 裏頭的工程師不小心 rm -rf 的事件,所以當然要做好備份。
在 google cloud 的機器可以乾脆直接寫 crontab 定期做 snapshot,不過這樣的方式也不能防止手殘砍掉負責跑這 crontab 的 instance 就是了 XD
#!/usr/bin/env bash export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/:/usr/bin #create snapshot echo "$(gcloud compute disks snapshot my-webserver --snapshot-names=www-$(date "+%Y%m%d") --zone=asia-east1-c)" #get snapshot list SNAPSHOT_LIST="$(gcloud compute snapshots list --regexp "(.*www-.*)" --uri)" echo "${SNAPSHOT_LIST}" | while read line ; do # get the snapshot name from full URL that google returns SNAPSHOT_NAME="${line##*/}" # get the date that the snapshot was created SNAPSHOT_DATETIME="$(gcloud compute snapshots describe ${SNAPSHOT_NAME} | grep "creationTimestamp" | cut -d " " -f 2 | tr -d \')" # format the date SNAPSHOT_DATETIME="$(date -d ${SNAPSHOT_DATETIME} +%Y%m%d)" # get the expiry date for snapshot deletion (currently 7 days) SNAPSHOT_EXPIRY="$(date -d "-10 days" +"%Y%m%d")" # check if the snapshot is older than expiry date if [ $SNAPSHOT_EXPIRY -ge $SNAPSHOT_DATETIME ]; then # delete the snapshot echo "$(gcloud compute snapshots delete ${SNAPSHOT_NAME} --quiet)" fi done
Original link: Phanix's Blog