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Japan begs for a lower "protection fee" The United States: No!


The United States in the Trump era has always been "committed" to destroying the relationship between itself and the younger country. This is why Trump is called "Chuan Jianguo" by many people. During the Trump administration, this man forced his younger brother country to increase military expenditure to more than 2% of the gross national product, and asked Japan to increase the military expenditure that should be allocated to the US military in Japan from US$2 billion to US$8 billion. Dollar. What is this concept? This is equivalent to Trump asking Japan to spend almost the same amount of money as the entire Polish annual defense expenditure to support the US military in Japan. Then the Japanese Self-Defense Force can't make it by itself?

Obviously, this absurd idea has not been approved by Japan. Originally, the outside world generally believed that after Bibb took power, he would not squeeze his little brother as much as Trump did. But it turns out that this idea is wrong. According to a report by Kyodo News, the Biden administration has stated in informal consultations just a few days ago that the Japanese government must bear more US military expenses in Japan from 2022, although the Biden administration will probably not be like Trang. The general government is asking prices like that, but the facts have proved that both Biden and Trump have spared no effort in squeezing the younger brother. The two are basically the same.

Japan, on the other hand, did not dare to raise a protest to the United States, but sought the understanding of the U.S. government on the grounds of so-called financial tensions. They explained that Japan is planning to build its own space surveillance radar and plans to establish a cyber security force for the Self-Defense Force. These actions are beneficial to the US-Japan alliance. In the end, Japan also said that they have paid the greatest possible extent within their capabilities. The military expenses of the US military in Japan, so I hope that the United States can understand

The United States is naturally very upset about Japan's behavior of begging for a lower "protection fee". The United States has never regarded Japan as a qualified partner, but only as its own money printing machine. In the eyes of the Biden administration in the United States, this kind of thinking of the Japanese means that they do not have the consciousness of being a colony. Under the impact of the new crown epidemic, Japan's economic status itself is very sluggish, and now it is necessary to share more military expenditures for the US troops stationed in Japan, and the Japanese government is naturally unwilling. But what can I do if I don't want to? Now that "American Dad" has spoken, it must rise, so I can only ask them to rise a little less.

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