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Top New Features Your Customers Will Love After a Magento Migration

Latest Magento upgrade speeds sites via better architecture, boosts search with smart filters, simplifies customizable checkout, centralizes account dashboard for order management

Have you ever abandoned an online purchase because the website was clunky, slow, or difficult to navigate? With over 80% of shoppers giving up on sites that don't meet their expectations, delivering an enjoyable user experience is critical for online retailers. Migrating to a modern Magento platform (https://dolphinwebsolution.com/magento-2-upgrade/) provides the capabilities to transform your customers' shopping journey.

From lightning-fast performance and intuitive navigation to expanded payment options and richer product information, the latest Magento release rewards customers with features they’ll love. Read on to learn how upgrading your ecommerce store can increase sales by enhancing your shoppers’ experience.

New Features Your Customers Will Love After a Magento Migration

Upgrading your ecommerce site to the latest version of Magento comes with many exciting benefits for both merchants and shoppers. From faster page loads to intuitive navigation features, let’s explore some of the top new functionalities your customers can enjoy post-migration.

Faster Page Loads

One of the biggest improvements you’ll notice after migrating is significantly faster page load times across your site. The upgraded architecture and code of modern Magento allows web pages to render more efficiently. Enhanced performance also leads to a smoother mobile shopping experience—crucial in an era when over 60% of online sales come from smartphones. Specific speed tests show page loads up to 2-3x faster compared to older Magento versions.

Enhanced Search

The advanced search capabilities in new Magento releases take the shopper experience to new heights. Intelligent algorithms, natural language processing, and powerful backend indexing all make it easier for customers to find precisely what they want. Shoppers will also appreciate new faceted navigation and guided filters when browsing products by category. With relevance tuned to each shopper’s search terms and navigation history, search has never been more intuitive.

User-Friendly Checkout

Streamlining the checkout process is a top priority for modern ecommerce design, and Magento’s upgraded platform delivers on that front. The entire checkout flow is now optimized for mobile responsiveness and customer conversion across devices. Developers also have more customization options to match your brand aesthetic too. Support for popular payment gateways means more choice for your customers as well.

Improved Account Section

Managing your account post-purchase is now easier than ever thanks to a refreshed customer account dashboard in modern Magento. Shoppers can view order tracking, shipping status, previous purchases, and more from one centralized hub. An integrated address book removes friction when logging back in to reorder. Rewards programs and loyalty points also update in real-time, allowing customers to accurately evaluate their member status.

With these cutting-edge features and so much more, it’s no wonder over 250,000 brands rely on Magento to power their stores online. Migrating to the newest version yet takes the entire ecommerce experience to the next level for you and your customers. Reach out today to upgrade and unlock more revenue potential!

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