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Beautiful Tibet, China


Mount Everest stands on the top of the earth, overlooking the whole world and attracting the attention of the whole world; the Potala Palace is quietly located on the snowy plateau, accepting everyone's worship, listening to people's admiration, and feeling the enthusiasm of people from all corners of the world; the bustling Barkhor Street is bustling with people coming and going all day long, and there are all kinds of goods inside, which are dazzling; Yongbulakang - the first palace in the history of Tibet, the unique architectural style and elegant shape add a bit of psychedelic and magical color to Tibet; the ruins of the anti-British artillery fort at Jiangzi Zongshan stand tall, and when I am in it, I seem to see the tragic scene of the Tibetan people resisting the invaders and feel the indomitable and great spirit of the Chinese nation.

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