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笔记| 5S与感官



经常参加葡萄酒活动的朋友大多知道品酒的5S步骤:观、摇、闻、啜、赏 See, Swirl, Sniff, Sip, Savor。5S调用了我们5种感官中的3种:视觉、嗅觉和味觉。可事实上我们并不能忽略掉另外两种听觉和触觉在品酒过程中的重要性。最经典的听觉例子就是开香槟,没有什么比开香槟酒时经典的“砰!”声更让人期待了,或者倒在长笛杯中安静地听缓慢上升的嘶嘶声,也会让人感觉到香槟的优雅与纯粹。另外酒评或者笔记也是一种声音,无论说出来还是写出来通常也会影响饮者对葡萄酒的看法。事实上,葡萄酒广告正是企图在这这方面去影响以起到作用。


最好的酒是我们一起喝过的酒 The best wines are the ones we drink together ,也许这是男女之间对触觉影响葡萄酒感知的另外一个绝好的例子,你懂的。

What Galileo was perceptively telling us was that, to describe what a wine tastes, feels, looks, sounds, and smells like, we need to understand how the senses work. Anyone who has ever attended a wine event knows the five S’s of wine tasting: See, Swirl, Sniff, Sip, Savor. The five S’s allow us to hit directly three of our five senses—sight, smell, and taste. This leaves us with two senses that we rarely associate with wine—hearing and touching. But ignoring them is a mistake. There are few things more satisfying than the classic Pop! of a Champagne bottle, however déclassé purists may consider it (they prefer an unostentatious hiss). More important, what a person has heard about a wine usually influences his or her perception of it. In fact, the multimillion-dollar wine advertising industry depends on this aspect of wine appreciation. As for that fifth sense, touch is also critically important in how we perceive wine—not through our fingers but through touch sensors in our mouths and throats. If we couldn’t feel the wine in our mouths, our experience of it would be incomplete.

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