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Memories of a Summer in Taichung

Taichung is widely known as the birthplace of hats, with a traditional hat-making industry dating back to the Qing Dynasty. The craftsmanship in this coastal region involves the use of materials such as straw and linthorpe fiber for weaving.

In 1903, even Taichung Prison embraced the artistry of handcrafted goods. The innovative Warden Takaya, inspired by a stroke of creativity, explored the use of pineapple fibers in hat-making. The lightweight and breathable nature of these hats made them perfect for the summer heat, earning them the name "Takaya Hat" in honor of the visionary warden.

By the 1910s, as railway transportation flourished, Taichung's agricultural produce, especially its bountiful fruits and vegetables, gained widespread acclaim. It was during this time that Tanaka Fumiyuki, a resident of Taichu Street, made a groundbreaking discovery. He realized that banana fibers could be skillfully woven into hats, presenting a novel use for this abundant local resource. Tanaka promptly sought government approval and diligently refined the production process to create hats of comparable quality to the esteemed linthorpe hats. Though the banana fiber fell slightly short in comparison, these hats found popularity among the working class due to their affordability and allure. Soon, the trend of the "banana hat" swept across the island, becoming a symbol of fashion and utility, and even gaining international recognition.

台中典獄長官邸 The Former Warden's Residence in Taichung

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