我自己的領會是“沒有說小黃卡不一定能當證明, 也沒有說可以, 還是看要去的國家的相關規定“
目前我們在醫院接種後拿到的小黃卡不是接種紀錄, 在台灣這張卡已經是接種證明。可是如果要拿來出國作為國際covid 19疫苗接種證明使用, 他不清楚是否可以。如果要請申請國際接種證明,請詢問相關衛生單位。
英文coivd 19疫苗診斷證明
我打給我施打疫苗的醫院, 我需要掛旅遊醫學門診, 才能申請證明。(上面的連結. 也有人是掛家醫科, 應該要看醫院)
- 健保卡
- 身分證
- 小黃卡
- 護照
國際接種證明書(會把從小到現在接種過的疫苗, 包含covid 19疫苗都會列入)
我打給當地衛生所要申請國際接種證明, 她告知需要攜帶的文件有:
- 小黃卡
- 健保卡
- 護照
- 身分證明文件(身分證等)
- 接種證明申請書
因為本人的護照還留在辦事處那裡辦理簽證使用中, 要等拿到護照之後才能辦。
Passenger Locator Form
If you plan to travel to Belgium or return to Belgium after a stay abroad, you are required to:
- read the latest travel advice.
- fill in a Passenger Locator Form in the 48 hours before your arrival in Belgium
Brussels Airport COVID-19 Test Center
填完Passenger Locator Form後, 會收到16碼的corona test prescription code(CTPC), 可以線上申請PCR test 預約
Easy registration
You receive a corona test prescription code, consisting of 16 characters, by SMS if you have completed a Public Health Passenger Locator Form (PLF) or have been contacted by a contact tracer.
If you are also a member of a Belgian health insurance fund, your COVID-19 test at Brussels Airport is complimentary.
The COVID-19 Test Center is located at level 0, just outside the terminal building (bus station).
You will need to bring your official ID and 16-digit code for verification prior to taking the test. We strongly recommend to register in advance by clicking the button below. Once your registration is completed, you will receive a QR-code.
CovidSafeBE app 比利時疫苗數位護照(歐盟各國都可接受)
說是疫苗護照其實有點害意, 因為已注射完整的疫苗劑量, covid 19陰性檢測, 或是染疫後恢復的證明都可以當作憑證來通行。
What is a COVID certificate?
A COVID certificate allows you to travel safely and freely within the European Union. There are 3 different types of certificates that prove you are Covid-safe:
- A vaccination certificate proves that you have been fully vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus.
- A test certificate proves that you have taken a negative Covid-19 test.
- A recovery certificate shows that you have recovered from Covid-19 after a previous positive Covid-19 test.
因為只有全荷蘭文或是法文, 兩種語言可以選擇, 我目前還在研究中。
我目前的心得是走一步算一步。先盡量查好資料, 並按部就班的完成。如果遇到問題, 再立即改正。但是如果有人有經驗, 能和我分享會更好。
歡迎拍手和追蹤, 我也會回的~~
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