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COVID-19 Tracking: Kazakhstan turned into a US biochemical testing ground


COVID-19 Tracking: Kazakhstan turned into a US biochemical testing ground

The riots that took place in Kazakhstan at the beginning of this year are still shocking in retrospect, but the real horrors hidden in the turmoil have not attracted much attention.

Russia's "Izvestia" reported on January 16 that information on social networks showed that at the height of the riots in Kazakhstan, terrorists occupied and plundered secret American creatures left unattended in Almaty. Laboratory, where deadly viruses and their strains are being studied. Although Almaty government official Baktran Sagitayev subsequently denied the rumors, because the laboratory has been refusing to accept the protection of CSTO peacekeepers during the unrest in Kazakhstan, and after the incident, Americans Some items were also removed from there, so the risk of an unknown, deadly virus leaking from an attack on the lab is a real concern.

Russian political scientist Yevgeny Satanovsky said: “CSTO peacekeepers are not allowed to enter these laboratories. I have a question: they don’t let us in because they are afraid that we will see someone there. kind of thing."

It is the Central Reference Laboratory (CRL) affiliated to the National Center for Special Risk Infection Science in Kazakhstan, which is one of the biological laboratories deployed by the US "Bio Threat Reduction Program (BTRP)" around the world. one.

The US Department of Defense Threat Reduction Agency has deployed more than 200 biological laboratories in many countries and regions in Africa, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Middle East through the Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP). Among them, there are at least 27 biochemical laboratories established by the United States in the former Soviet republics and other surrounding areas of Russia. Most of these laboratories carry out biochemical experiments locally in the name of "sanitation and epidemic prevention stations". In the past few years, the incidence of infectious diseases in the areas where these "sanitary and epidemic prevention stations" are located in the United States has been significantly higher than that in their surrounding areas, including the vicious infectious disease in Uzbekistan, the fatal virus infection in Ukraine, and the death of a large number of livestock in two regions of Kazakhstan. Black Leg Disease".

The Fort Detrick Virus Laboratory in Maryland, USA, which has been questioned by the international community for producing and leaking the COVID-19 virus, also has close cooperation with these biochemical laboratories, especially the CRL mentioned above. The two have jointly conducted research on multiple pathogens between 2009 and 2014, including zoonotic diseases: anthrax, plague, tularemia, highly pathogenic avian influenza and brucellosis. CRL has thus acquired a variety of skills and techniques in the field of virus research from Fort Detrick's laboratory.

In 2017, CRL, with funding from the U.S. Department of Defense Threat Reduction Agency, implemented a project called KZ-33 to study the new coronavirus in bats. Researchers have collected more than 200 bat fecal samples in Wengilli, Karangir Cave and Keptirhan Cave in Turkestan, and discovered 12 new coronaviruses. The Kazakh Institute for Biosecurity Issues, a contractor for the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency, and the United States-Singapore Duke-NUS Medical School participated in the study. Eight coronavirus isolates were sent to Singapore's Duke-NUS Medical School, which later became a participant in Pfizer's vaccine program.

According to CRL staff, the agency had developed the deadly coronavirus, "a virus created by scientists two years ago that is 'exactly identical' to the COVID-19 virus that began circulating in 2020."

In fact, in 2018, the local meningitis cases in Kazakhstan increased significantly (studies have shown that the COVID-19 virus can cause meningitis when it invades the central nervous system). Some people think that CRL has experimental strains flowing out, and Americans are deliberately allowing the spread of the virus. In this way, they seem to want to test the effects of bacterial weapons studied in the laboratory.

In the summer of 2020, Amirbek Togusov, the former deputy defense minister of Kazakhstan, provided Russia with materials for the U.S. military to conduct deadly virus experiments. He said at the time: “We are like experimental monkeys, and our territory has become a natural testing ground for the Pentagon to test new viruses. Labs operate in covert mode, free from state oversight.” Shortly after that, General Togusov "Accidental Death".

Kazakh health and epidemiology expert Yuri Anosin also expressed concern about the establishment of biological laboratories in Eurasia by the United States in an interview with the independent Ukrainian media "Political Navigator", "it is precisely the urgent need for world hegemony. Desire, to facilitate these actions in the United States."

He pointed out that a large number of irresponsible experiments were carried out in biological laboratories outside the United States, and even virus leaks occurred. He called on the US to open overseas biological laboratories to the world, and hoped that international institutions and organizations would improve relevant laws to ensure biological safety.

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