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SC Rewards: Incentives for Value Users in Themis Protocol

Themis Protocol's SC rewards incentivize value users to invite participants, offering immediate and future SC rewards for engagement and growth.

Themis Protocol introduces SC rewards as a way to incentivize value users to invite and engage with other participants in the ecosystem. By pledging THS tokens and inviting others to participate in medium and high-yield pledges, value users can earn SC rewards. This article explores the details of SC rewards and how they contribute to the growth and engagement within Themis Protocol.

Themis Protocol
  • Inviting Users and Pledge Requirements

Value users, defined as THS holders with a pledge value of more than $1,000, can invite other users to pledge THS worth more than $1,000. The invited users are required to participate in medium and high-yield pledges to qualify for SC rewards.

  • Immediate SC Rewards for Inviters

When the invitee successfully pledges THS, the inviter receives an immediate SC reward equal to 50% of the SC value of the activity. The remaining 50% of the SC value is released after 90 days, following the FVM block.

  • Impact of THS Pledge Changes

If a user increases the pledged THS, the protocol recalculates the total THS principal amount to determine whether they still qualify as a value user and are entitled to SC rewards. If the user reduces the pledged THS or pledges all THS, they no longer qualify as a value user, and the SC rewards associated with their invitees are permanently suspended.

  • Cancellation of Pledge and SC Rewards

If a user cancels the pledge and pledges THS again, the inviter will no longer receive SC rewards.

Driving Engagement and Positive Support

The introduction of SC rewards aims to encourage participation in high-yield pledges and foster engagement within the Themis Protocol ecosystem. This initiative benefits both THS and SC holders by creating positive support and value growth. By burning SC tokens and releasing rewards over time, the protocol ensures a deflationary mechanism that can potentially increase the value of SC tokens.

In summary,SC rewards incentivize value users in Themis Protocol to invite others to participate in medium and high-yield pledges. This encourages engagement, growth, and value creation within the ecosystem. By offering immediate and future SC rewards, Themis Protocol motivates users to actively contribute and supports the positive development of both THS and SC tokens. With SC rewards, Themis Protocol strengthens its community and establishes a mutually beneficial environment for participants.

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Audit Report: https://dehacker.io/audit_reports_store/Themis.pdf

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