Lessons from the California wildfires


I. Introduction

Now the people of Sodom were wicked and were sinning greatly against the LORD. (NIV, Genesis 13:13)

In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.(NIV, Jude 1:7)

God punished Sodom and Gomorrah for their evil deeds by raining down sulfur and fire from heaven. He destroyed those cities and the entire plain, as well as all the inhabitants of the cities and even what grew on the ground. The place was filled with smoke. It rises like something burning in a kiln.

Archaeological discoveries showed that all the relics at the site remained in place, and a layer of dust 4 to 20 inches thick covered the entire city. After testing, it was found that the ash is composed of calcium sulfate and calcium carbonate, which are produced when limestone and sulfur burn at extremely high temperatures.

II. The Sins of Sodom and Gomorrah

1. Being arrogant, they did not help the poor and needy

“ ‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.(NIV, Ezekiel 16:49)

At that time, the material life of these two cities was extremely rich, but they had no mercy on the poor! People only cared about luxurious feasts and found the meaning of life in sensual pleasures; their excessive indulgence in various senses was promoted as “legal and reasonable”, and few people thought that their lifestyle was evil and unjust.

2. The Corruption of Homosexuality

Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom — both young and old — surrounded the house. They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.” (NIV, Genesis 19:4–5)

At this time, God sent two angels into the city, who were warmly received by Lot at his home and asked to stay for one night. Unexpectedly, verse 4 tells us that when the people of Sodom heard that a stranger had come, they surrounded Lot’s house, “both young and old,” hoping to take advantage of their large numbers to The advantage forced Lot to hand over the two men and to have sex with them.

The Union Version translates it as “let us do whatever we want,” which is a more implicit translation. The New International Version directly translates it as: “ we can have sex with them”; and from the context we can know that this is sexual intercourse between men, that is, same-sex sexual behavior.

III. The Sins of California

The areas in California where the fires broke out are all luxurious residential areas of Hollywood movie stars, celebrities, etc. In addition to the above-mentioned extravagant feasts, not supporting the poor, and sexual promiscuity, they also committed some crimes that were abominable to God, as described below:

1. Contact with the dark world, such as witchcraft and evil spirits

There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or daughter pass through the fire, nor one who practices divination, or a soothsayer, or an enchanter, or a sorcerer, or a spellcaster, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls upon the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD. (Deuteronomy 18:10–12)

Rock king Michael. Michael Jackson was a Satan worshipper; this man had a covenant with Satan, an agreement with the devil so that he could gain fame and attract many fans. He received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1980 as a member of the Jackson Five and in 1984 as a solo artist.

These stars want success, money, and to be a superstar under the spotlight! As a result, they are willing to sell their souls, make a covenant with the devil, practice all kinds of witchcraft, and associate with evil spirits. Any Hollywood artist who does this thing that God hates is opening a loophole for Satan, causing Los Angeles to be severely attacked by evil spirits and resulting in the endless wildfires in California.

In October 2024, American rap king Diddy was recently arrested on suspicion of sexual crimes, drugs, violence and other reasons. After that, a series of Illuminati conspiracy theories began to emerge in the Hollywood entertainment industry; the Illuminati is actually not bright at all, but very dark, an organization that believes in the devil. As long as you join the Illuminati, you can be guaranteed a great career and become famous immediately. Big purple! So do you know how many Hollywood stars have joined the Illuminati?

2. Blasphemy

We take a deep dive into the controversial issue of blasphemy at a Hollywood awards ceremony! Hollywood, this star-studded stage, should be a gathering place for dreams and glory, but at certain moments it openly sneers at faith. However, 48 hours later, a wildfire broke out, shocking everyone.

From a biblical perspective, blasphemy against God is no small matter and will have dire consequences, causing a sudden fire in Los Angeles! The Bible says, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” (NIV, Gal. 6:7)

The Bible gives the correct answer to the cause of the fire: people did not fear God and were disrespectful and contemptuous of God! Being severely punished by God is the retribution you deserve!

3. Advocate for radical liberalism

A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.(NIV, Deuteronomy 22:5)

Constantly teaching children garbage in school, instilling some corrupt things, promoting radical liberalism, and saying that you can change your sex to become a boy or a girl; all these wrong ideas that God hates are completely against the way of heaven and greatly anger God.

In addition, Los Angeles is full of pornography, pedophilia, and other shameful and dirty atmospheres. Los Angeles’s Porn Valley has become the world’s adult entertainment capital; in Los Angeles’ adult film circle, many people are in panic because they are infected with the HIV virus!

4. These fires are mainly concentrated in the so-called “blue zones”

The “blue” color in these areas symbolizes the extreme left-liberal values ​​and political tendencies; it represents many teachings and policies that are contrary to the Bible. These places have long been pursuing a secularization and deification agenda, excluding biblical truth from their education systems to legal policies.

They mainly promote extreme liberalism that is anti-traditional and anti-religious, and constantly offend conservative, correct, and common-sense things. For example, the school curriculum promotes the blurring of gender concepts, downplays the family, and violates the sanctity of traditional values; the government supports policies such as abortion and euthanasia, which are all contrary to the teachings of the Bible.

The district advocates diversity, uses love as the sugar coating, tolerates different beliefs and hobbies, and respects same-sex marriage… These statements broke the bottom line of the Bible and caused the people to drink the “overflowing cup of sin”, thus causing the region’s spiritual protection layer to collapse and ultimately pay a heavy price!

5. God’s righteousness will inevitably be revealed

When a community, a city, a nation, chooses to walk away from God’s ways, they are actually doing Satan’s work. When sins accumulate to a certain extent, God’s righteousness will inevitably be revealed; disasters such as fires, storms, etc. will immediately erupt! Become an outward manifestation of spiritual warning.

For example, the long-standing existence of violence, drug trafficking, pornography, etc. in certain areas provides footholds for dark forces; ultimately leading to shocking fires, such tragic consequences are not meaningless. You reap what you sow; you reap what you sow!

6. The role of the church

Although these areas are spiritually dark, God calls the Church to be a “city on a hill” that shines in this darkness. The church is like a powerful firefighting team at a fire scene, which not only helps restore spiritual order but also brings hope and salvation.

However, the church itself must first repent, be purified, and uphold the truth, otherwise it will weaken the influence of the world. We must pray for the churches and pastors in these blue areas, never compromise on the truth, stand up to denounce sin, and courageously preach the pure gospel of Jesus.

7. There is no salvation except in Jesus!

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” (NIV, Acts 4:12)

Since January 7, 2025, this fire in California has been burning for more than ten days and cannot be stopped! Nearly 200,000 people lost their homes, more than 10,000 buildings were destroyed, and at least 25 people died! The scene was in ruins, with burnt building debris, trees, etc. all over the streets. The situation was like the end of the world.

This is just the labor pain before birth. God uses it to warn the world that a terrible disaster is approaching! You must humbly confess your sins, repent, and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior in order to escape the wrathful judgment of God! And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.

IV. Reminder

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.”(NIV, Isaiah 40:8)

When California was ravaged by wildfires, some people returned to their fire-ravaged homes and found three intact children’s Bible storybooks that could not be devoured by the flames. In addition, there was a glorious testimony of a Bible lying unharmed amid the ruins of the fire.

The appearance of these two miracles made people re-examine their faith in difficult situations, and feel that God silently preserved His own words in the flames of the fire and promised that the truth of the Bible would stand forever!

1. People living in blue zones need to pray even more

Those who believe in these anti-God heresies of the extreme left belong to the blue region; these places have long been promoting a deification agenda, and from the education system to national policies, they are excluding biblical truth.

If you live in a very blue area, it is best to leave Sodom as quickly as Lot did, to avoid the city being destroyed and the people being killed! If the Holy Spirit leads you to stay in the area, you must pray very hard, become a bright light in the darkness, and spread the gospel of Jesus.

2. What you sow is what you reap.

Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. (NIV, Gal. 6:8)

The Hollywood celebrity district in Los Angeles, this super upper-class area, where most of its residents are big stars, is a deep blue area; schools in the area teach children junk materials such as transgenderism, homosexuality, and support for abortion… It is very difficult to pray for these areas and we need to work harder!

A man reaps what he sows. See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction.(NIV, Deuteronomy 30:15); what will you choose? The only way to save us is to awaken to God, break away from corruption and sin, accept Jesus’ salvation, and live a holy life!

3. Paris Olympics Blasphemy

Performers at the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics did not present a traditional Christian story. Jesus’ place is taken by a fat woman with a halo on her head, and then by a naked man painted blue, lying across the table.

These performers are trying to challenge the 2.4 billion Christians on the planet by showing people so-called diversity, transgenderism and sexual liberation through their interpretation of Jesus and his disciples in “The Last Supper”. Religious figures were very dissatisfied with this and accused the opening ceremony of being full of blasphemy, ridicule and sarcasm towards Christianity. Christians on every continent have been hurt by this excessive provocation, and the condemnation has been overwhelming!

Shortly after the opening of the Olympic Games, the Paris high-speed rail was first damaged and then hit by heavy rain; Paris, known as the “City of Light”, suffered a major power outage! Our God will condemn the wicked, and His glory cannot be desecrated! If you don’t repent immediately, it will be too late to regret when death comes!

4. Humble yourself and pray, turn from our wicked ways; God will forgive our sins and will heal our land

if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.(NIV, 2 Chronicles 7:14)

The 82nd Golden Globe Awards was held in Beverly Hills, California, USA, and was hosted by comedian Nicki Minaj. Glasser presided; it was a star-studded evening filled with offenses to God. He made many jokes about God, highlighting his lack of reverence for God and confirming that America is in decline and that showbiz culture is moving further away from God. Rather even described Los Angeles as a “godless city”!

Soon, the California wildfire broke out, and God brought severe punishment on these ungodly people in order to awaken those who had been lost. As long as people choose to repent, turn to the true God Jesus Christ, God is still willing to forgive their sins and re-establish spiritual protection.

V. The prophecy of American pastor Brandon: the following is his revelation from God:

1. Extremely radical and free blue areas are easily attacked by evil spirits

I am praying for these blue places; here are the ones:

Portland, Syracuse, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Dallas, New Orleans, Nashville, Boston, Chicago, New York, Miami.

2. Those celebrities are creating a scam

After the California wildfires, celebrities in the entertainment industry will claim to have repented and been born again; they pretend to be fervent in their faith, but they are sent to secretly create deception and confusion in the Christian community. Not all of those celebrities who expressed sorrow and remorse after disasters are worthy of our trust.

I do see through the enemy’s conspiracy. Some people sell their souls to demons for fame and fortune; Satan drives them to claim to the outside world that they are born-again Christians. When they started to appear in public, they shouted that they were Christians and that everything revolved around Jesus, and they were extremely excited!

About five or six months later, their so-called salvation changed, and they began to preach a universal gospel, claiming that every religion could lead to heaven. Whether Buddhists, Muslims… any different beliefs in the world, any religion, even false gods, can lead people to heaven.

They emphasize that Jesus is not the only one who can take you into heaven. This kind of deceptive talk comes purely from the devil and leads people onto the path of destruction, with the end being the punishment of eternal fire in Hades.

3. Hollywood will have a renaissance

The Lord said to me, “I will bring great grace to touch Hollywood for the last time, so that those sinners who are sleeping will be shaken and awakened. Those Los Angeles friends who live in Hollywood, if you are deaf to the Lord’s call, , that would be very dangerous!

In this spiritual revival movement in Hollywood, the mighty power of the Lord Jesus will be manifested in the area. There’s a shock coming that’s going to wake up the people of Hollywood; you’re going to see the surge of the Holy Spirit on Rodeo Drive. There will be a great move of the Holy Spirit throughout the Hollywood Hills and in celebrity circles.

Please remember that not all celebrities who claim to be saved during this period are worth listening to; we should not blindly believe them just because they claim to be born-again Christians. We must look to their actions and the fruits they bear to prove that His words are true.

4. Red Dragon is Communism

In a vision, I saw and heard the Lord Jesus clearly point out that the red dragon is communism; and wherever the red dragon rules, the devil rules.

The red dragon in the Book of Revelation is communism; the mark of the beast in the scriptures is the sickle and axe of the Communist Party. Many people overseas in the West have not joined the Communist Party organization; once you join the Communist Party organization, the mark of the beast will be on you.

The extreme left-wing ideology in the West is just another manifestation of communism; therefore, believing in the extreme left-wing anti-theistic heresy is just like accepting atheism, and both are extremely dangerous. This is what we have been reminding everyone: don’t escape from the devil’s right hand and jump into the devil’s left hand.

5. Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau will be dealt with

God said, “This is a message for Canada. Justin Trudeau’s days in office are numbered! The evil spirit that has brought so much corruption to Canada will be removed from him. I hear the Canadian people Cry out to me, there are over a hundred churches that have been burned and I will save them and there will be a great revival.”

6. French President Emmanuel Macron will also be dealt with

God said, “Macron will also be dealt with because he is trying to bring in a new world order. He is like the leader of a new order. This is the evil over Europe, which is communism. He is trying to stop my gospel, and I will deal with him too. He is the anti-Christ spirit.”

7. Taiwan’s Great Renaissance

I saw Taiwan! God showed me that the people of Taiwan were praying, and a rising sun appeared over Taiwan, radiating glorious light. I saw a huge apparition and a great revival happening in Taiwan, and it was brilliant and golden.

8. Trump supports Israel and saves America’s covenant with God

I saw the founding fathers of the United States, including George. Washington, and all our ancestors who feared Jesus Christ, made a covenant with God at Plymouth Rock; this covenant established a bond between man and God that was as strong as muscle and a blood contract.

God’s side has never changed or wavered, but the United States compromised, abandoned the Republic of China, fattened the giant dragon of the Chinese Communist Party, and allowed communist culture to prevail in the United States to this day. The bond of this covenant is only connected by a few threads and is about to break!

We were basically in breach of contract because we didn’t live up to the agreement; I saw the founding fathers with just a few little strings hanging on. But Trump’s alliance with Israel saved the treaty; because he supports Israel, he fills the gap left by the founding fathers.

9. Pray for President Trump

President Trump is a God-fearing man who truly believes in Christ. He is determined to bring the Bible back to schools, end gender diversity, and only recognize males and females. I hereby call on Christians to pray for President Trump, because he is a servant of God who loves the Lord and can help the work of Jesus’ gospel.

This is a battle between good and evil in the last days. Now there is a glimmer of hope in the United States. President Trump is willing to support the church and stand with Israel. I believe that he will be reborn more deeply, love Jesus Christ, receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, commit himself to the Lord, and make America a God-fearing country again.

VI. Our God comes and will not be silent

The Mighty One, God, the LORD, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to where it sets. From Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth. Our God comes and will not be silent; a fire devours before him, and around him a tempest rages. He summons the heavens above, and the earth, that he may judge his people:

(NIV, Psalm 50:1–4)

The Los Angeles fire in California on January 7, 2025, coupled with the Santa Ana foehn, a dry and strong wind with speeds of over 90 kilometers per hour, has been burning for more than 20 days. A total of 162 square kilometers of land have been burned, about 12,000 buildings have been destroyed, 27 people have lost their lives, and ruins are everywhere.

All of this is just the birth pangs before the great tribulation, warning the world that our God is coming soon. He will come and keep silent; a raging fire will devour before Him, and a violent storm will blow around Him. However, among the ruins, there are very few houses that are miraculously intact. Why is that?

1. People who do good deeds

Whoever seeks good finds favor, but evil comes to one who searches for it. (NIV, Proverbs 11:27)

God “will repay each person according to what they have done.” To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. (NIV, Romans 2:6–7)

⑴. James Woods

Movie actor James Woods, seeing the fire reaching the edge of his home, was forced to evacuate! When he reached the bottom of the mountain, he suddenly thought of his neighbor, a 94-year-old man. He called 911 immediately, but the other party replied, “We can’t help you!” He called another neighbor, who replied, “I’m pouring water on the roof right now; at the same time, I also water your roof.”

Woods said, “Stop watering the roof. Go to my neighbor’s house and help a 94-year-old man escape!” Less than an hour after the old man was rescued, his house was engulfed in flames. A day later, Woods received notice that his house had miraculously survived the fire.

⑵. Edgar McGregor

He is a weather enthusiast. A week before the fire, he noticed that dry bushes had been piling up for several months. Also, there was no rain in Los Angeles this winter, so he realized that a disaster was going to happen. When the weather forecast for New Year’s Day says there will be strong winds, start posting on Facebook immediately, disaster may occur!

On January 7, there were already flames on the mountain, and he shouted in the video: “Quickly pack up important documents and drive away immediately!” He has more than 7,500 local fans on Facebook, and many people have listened to his advice. . He went knocking on doors one by one, urging his neighbors to flee quickly; later he went to a friend’s house and stayed up all night to post an emergency message, calling on everyone to flee. When he returned home the next day, his house was intact!

2. God-fearing Christians

He said in a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water. (NIV, Revelation 14:7)

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” (NIV, Acts 4:12)

Our church in Los Angeles, California (the church rebuilt by the Holy Spirit), when the fire approached, the wind direction suddenly changed, and the entire church building was intact. In addition, the brothers and sisters who lived nearby and their families were protected by the Lord Jesus, and everyone’s house was safe and sound. Glory to the one true God.

The day of the Lord Jesus’ coming is getting closer, but no one knows when Christ will come again. Since we know that the Lord will come to judge the people of the whole world and disasters will come suddenly, we as God’s children should behave in a holy and pious manner and prepare to meet our God.

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